“Colonizing Our Community”: Elon Musk’s SpaceX Rocket Explodes in Texas as Feds OK New #LNG Projects
April 21, 2023
CHRISTOPHER BASALDÚ: "Rio Bravo Pipeline and SpaceX, none of these companies consulted with the original people of this land, the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas. None of them consulted with the tribe. None of them have our consent. But yet, they still want to destroy Native homelands, ancestral homelands. We never gave our consent, and they’re moving forward. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, they never consulted with the tribe. They don’t have our consent, and they’re moving forward anyway. That’s not justice. … They’re enabling Musk to destroy our lands and destroy this beautiful area. It needs to stop. These are all the histories of colonial genocide against Native people and Native lands."
BEKAH HINOJOSA: "It’s very clear that #ElonMusk moved into our border community to take over, to colonize the region. We’re clearly being exploited by a #billionaire and his pet project. You know, we are a low-income community of color. And #Texas has a long history of deregulation, of just rubber-stamping permits and approvals for any big industry, and also give out numerous tax subsidies. You know, that’s what we’ve seen with SpaceX. [I]t’s very clear that Elon Musk and SpaceX has become — you know, is becoming too big to hold accountable, and is getting away with harming our community. And what we need are real solutions. We need investments, you know, in Earth, the problems we have here on the planet, #ClimateChange. And instead, we see our tax subsidies go towards a billionaire’s pet project, for a billionaire to go to space as part of his sci-fi adventure."
#SpaceX #Colonialism #Oligarchy #RioBravo #RioGrande #Exploitation #IndigenousNews #IndigenousRights #CulturalGenocide #Capitalism
#lng #elonmusk #billionaire #texas #ClimateChange #spacex #colonialism #oligarchy #riobravo #riogrande #exploitation #indigenousnews #indigenousrights #culturalgenocide #capitalism
Would love to see this, but guess I'll have to wait on video version when it hits #TCM. They usually do, IIRC.
"Angie Dickinson is (almost) ready for TCM’s Film Festival" #TCMFF #movies #RioBravo #JohnWayne
#tcm #tcmff #movies #riobravo #johnwayne
Western AF on TikTok
>Ricky Nelson, Dean Martin and Walter Brennan singing “Cindy” from Rio Bravo #westernaf #rickynelson #deanmartin #riobravo #western #westerns #countrymusic #reddeadredemption2 #reddead #rdr2
#rdr2 #reddead #reddeadredemption2 #countrymusic #westerns #western #riobravo #deanmartin #rickynelson #westernaf
Heute gehts in der #RetroEcke in den wilden Westen. Jetzt mal #RioBravo anschauen.
#Film #Movie #FilmCommunity #Cinema #CineMastodon #ClassicFilms #FilmPoll
#riobravo #darbyogillandthelittlepeople #thetingler #somelikeithot #film #movie #filmcommunity #cinema #cinemastodon #classicfilms #FilmPoll
📀 Toujours à l’occasion du centenaire de #WarnerBros, le studio prévoit la sortie au mois d’avril 2023 en Blu-ray UltraHD 4K d’un classique du western 🇺🇸 , #RioBravo d’#HowardHawks avec #JohnWayne, #DeanMartin, #RickyNelson & #AngieDickinson. 📀
#warnerbros #riobravo #HowardHawks #johnwayne #deanmartin #rickynelson #angiedickinson
Kälte wird zur Gefahr für Migrant*innen am Grenzfluss Rio Bravo #RioBravo #Migrantinnen #chiapas98 https://www.chiapas.eu/news.php?id=11864
#riobravo #migrantinnen #chiapas98
“Pensé que nunca lo ibas a decir.”
“¿Decir qué?”
“Que me amas.”
“Dije que te arrestaría.”
“Significa lo mismo, lo sabes.”
- Chance & Feathers, Rio Bravo (1959)
#riobravo #johnwayne #deanmartin #angiedickinson #walterbrennan #rickynelson #howardhawks #western
#riobravo #johnwayne #deanmartin #angiedickinson #walterbrennan #rickynelson #howardhawks #western
Kälte wird zur Gefahr für Migrant*innen am Grenzfluss Rio Bravo
„Wir werden noch erfrieren, ich habe Angst um meine Kinder“, sagte Omeira aus Venezuela, während sie ihr Zelt im Camp der Geflüchteten abbaute. Das Lager befindet sich am Ufer des Flusses Rio Bravo in der Grenzstadt #Matamoros im mexikanischen Bundesstaat #Tamaulipas. Auf der anderen Seite des Flusses liegt der Ort# Brownsville im US-Bundesstaat #Texas. Weiter westlich, ebenfalls in Texas, liegt die Stadt El Paso. Hier erlaubte die United States Border Patrol #USBP 300 Migrant*innen den #Grenzübertritt ohne gültige Papiere, damit sie bei den kalten Temperaturen von bis zu minus acht Grad Celsius nicht erfrieren.
#Flucht #Migration #USA #Mexiko #ElPaso #RioBravo #Wintereinbruch
#matamoros #tamaulipas #texas #usbp #grenzubertritt #Flucht #migration #USA #Mexiko #elpaso #riobravo #Wintereinbruch
"Texas Declares Migration Emergency Deploying Soldiers to the Southern Border"
⚠️ | Within the context of border militarization, migrants are overflowing the shelters, being forced to sleep in freezing temperatures in the streets of El Paso as their only option left.
👉 https://avispa.org/?p=92692
#Urgent #SOS #EEUU #USA #LATAM #Mexico #Border #Soldier #Texas #ElPaso #Migration #RíoBravo #CiudadJuárez #Chihuahua #Military #US
#urgent #sos #eeuu #usa #latam #mexico #border #soldier #texas #elpaso #migration #riobravo #ciudadjuarez #chihuahua #military #us
"Texas declara emergencia por migración y coloca soldados en frontera con México"
El estado de emergencia se justificó por el arribo de migrantes después de que un juez estadounidense ordenó el fin de las restricciones fronterizas de la era Covid-19.
👉 https://avispa.org/?p=92563 🐝
#USA #México #Frontera #SOS #Soldado #Texas #ElPaso #Migración #RíoBravo #CiudadJuárez #Tanqueta #Chihuahua #Militares #Urgente
#usa #mexico #frontera #sos #soldado #texas #elpaso #migracion #riobravo #ciudadjuarez #tanqueta #chihuahua #militares #urgente
Sempre uno dei miei preferiti 💖
#cinema #western #riobravo #undollarodonore #johnwayne #deanmartin #walterbrennan #rickynelson #angiedickinson #movielover #passionecinema
#cinema #western #riobravo #undollarodonore #johnwayne #deanmartin #walterbrennan #rickynelson #angiedickinson #movielover #passionecinema
Been listening (as I often do) to the Dean Wareham / Cheval Sombre album of cowboy songs - so today's drawing that doesn't quite look like who it's supposed to is a scribbly Ricky Nelson in Rio Bravo...
#sketch #pencil #IDontDoPeople #RickyNelson #cinemastodon #western #RioBravo #DeanWareham #ChevalSombre #AHeadFullOfWishes #OldFilms
#oldfilms #aheadfullofwishes #chevalsombre #deanwareham #riobravo #western #cinemastodon #rickynelson #idontdopeople #pencil #sketch