👍 Publication of #DataManagement Plans (#DMPs) and #RIOjournal used as examples for good #openscience & #FAIRdata practices the latest #HorizonEurope Guide 🇪🇺
🔗 See more: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/guidance/programme-guide_horizon_en.pdf
@EC_REA #horizoneu #horizoneurope #scholarlypublishing #academicpublishing #PlanS
#plans #academicpublishing #scholarlyPublishing #HorizonEU #horizoneurope #fairdata #openscience #riojournal #dmps #datamanagement
🤔 Are you closely following our content? If you do, you have noticed #EOSCFuture, #DiSSCo, #Ecostack, ParAqua #COSTAction & many other #scientific #projects increasingly #publishing various outputs in their own collections at #RIOJournal. Check out what makes our publishing solution so unique & valued:
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#HorizonEU #horizoneurope #euprojects #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #riojournal #publishing #projects #scientific #costaction #ecostack #dissco #eoscfuture
🤔 Are you closely following our content? If you do, you have noticed #EOSCFuture, #DiSSCo, #Ecostack, ParAqua #COSTAction & many other #scientific #projects increasingly #publishing various outputs in their own collections at #RIOJournal. Check out what makes our publishing solution so unique & valued:
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#HorizonEU #horizoneurope #euprojects #journals #scholarlyPublishing #openresearch #openscience #riojournal #publishing #projects #scientific #costaction #ecostack #dissco #eoscfuture
🧐 Everything you can do with #nanopublications in our #RIOJournal on #Pensoft's blog👇
Our #nanopub pilot project with @knowledgepixels gives our authors & readers several opportunities to use #nanopubs to contribute to #published knowledge in a #FAIR manner.
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👋 It's a new platform and a new introduction of #RIOjournal: the #OpenScience journal that welcomes #research from across the #scientific process!
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