Ready for #RioluDay in #PokemonGo and waiting to spin at 2:00 pm.. Turned off Rocket Radar to avoid 12K eggs populating my basket.
#pokemongo #rioluday
Its only took just under 12 hours, but happy Riolu Day!#リオルの日 #RioluDay
#rioluday #リオルの日
Hello everyone! It is now July 4th in Japan, and it's currently Exeggutor Day, Goomy Day, and Riolu Day!#ナッシーの日 #ヌメラの日 #リオルの日 #ExeggutorDay #GoomyDay #RioluDay :exeggutor: :goomy: :riolu:
#ナッシーの日 #ヌメラの日 #リオルの日 #exeggutorday #goomyday #rioluday