RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
Streit Group's Riot Control Water Cannon I Police Vehicles: https://youtu.be/jeGkWpvq-J0
#LawEnforcement #Security #Safety #PeacefulProtests #RiotControl
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1660465550986735617
#lawenforcement #security #safety #peacefulprotests #riotcontrol
RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
As the #policing industry continues to evolve and develop, Streit Group has recently released their newest, state-of-the-art #RiotControl Side Barricade #Police Vehicles.
#securityvechicles #peacefulprotests #lawenforsement
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1652864207317082113
#policing #riotcontrol #police #securityvechicles #peacefulprotests #lawenforsement
RT from STREIT Group (@STREITGroupOFL)
Stay ahead of the curve with the #StreitGroup's latest #RiotControl Front Barricade #PoliceVehicles.
#LawEnforcement #Security #Safety #PeacefulProtests #RiotControl
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/STREITGroupOFL/status/1651110872448749568
#streitgroup #riotcontrol #policevehicles #lawenforcement #security #safety #peacefulprotests
While this seems entertaining (which is the almost only purpose of such clips) no one should forget how such robots/androids could/will be used in the (near) future.
Advanced tec is (nowadays) always used against people, either way.
#riotcontrol #police #military
#riotcontrol #police #military
2020: Plane Seized As Part of Counter Drug Asset Forfeiture Mission Used to Resupply Police with Riot Munitions During George Floyd Uprising https://unicornriot.ninja/2020/behind-the-law-enforcement-response-to-the-george-floyd-uprising-pt-1-munitions-delivery/ #GeorgeFloyd #assetforfeiture #riot #riotcontrol #riotmunitions
#GeorgeFloyd #assetforfeiture #riot #riotcontrol #riotmunitions
📢The Twenty-Seventh Session of the Conference of States Parties to the #ChemicalWeaponsConvention (#CSP27) starts this week.
📜See info on the #OPCW's website: https://tinyurl.com/7j33rtkh
📺Michael Crowley, from @Omega_RF & UniofBradford, presents a joint NGO video statement on development & use in #LawEnforcement of #CNS-Acting Chemicals, #RiotControl agents & associated means of delivery: https://tinyurl.com/4vd8tcak
#ChemicalWeaponsConvention #csp27 #opcw #lawenforcement #cns #riotcontrol