Decades remembers #CindyWilliams (1947-2023) with 18 hours of LAVERNE & SHIRLEY — until Sun 6am ET #RIPCindyWilliams #ClassicTV #RIPCindyWilliams #1970s #1970sTV
#cindywilliams #1970stv #1970s #classictv #ripcindywilliams
When I was a kid, I had a babysitter named Karen Coppenrath, and the only reason I remember that name now is that she'd watch #LaverneAndShirley and sing her own last name into the lyrics. #RIPCindyWilliams and I'm sorry for your loss Karen, whereever you are
#laverneandshirley #ripcindywilliams
Does anyone remember when Laverne & Shirley went on a double date w Fonzie and Richie? As I recall Shirley was quite promiscuous! #ripcindywilliams
"Once the film was released, it just took off and took everyone with it. Myself included."
— #CindyWilliams on #AmericanGraffiti (1973)
#ripcindywilliams #americangraffiti #cindywilliams She did it her way, and made many dreams come true. #cindywilliams #laverneandshirley #RIPcindywilliams
#cindywilliams #laverneandshirley #ripcindywilliams
Just what makes that little old ant … think he can move that rubber tree plant? #RIPCindyWilliams Laverne and Shirley Sing High Hopes via
RT @IJasonAlexander
I did not know Cindy Williams but boy did I adore her work, especially the wacky joyful funny pleasure of watching her Laverne and Shirley days. I pray she had a good life and send my sympathy to those who knew and loved her. #RIPCindyWilliams
And another one gone. #RIPCindyWilliams
Schlemiel! Schlemazel!
Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!
#ripcindywilliams #laverneandshirley
RT @willmckinley
Cindy Williams (1947-2023) — a TV icon as Shirley Feeney on LAVERNE & SHIRLEY.
She also appeared in AMERICAN GRAFFITI (1973) and THE CONVERSATION (1974) in a 50-year career. #RIPCindyWilliams
Which thing do you remember most about #ShirleyFeeney from #LaverneandShirley
#classictv #ripcindywilliams #laverneandshirley #shirleyfeeney
Heartbreaking. #RIPLisaLoring #RIPCindyWilliams #LisaLoring #CindyWilliams
Photos: Loring--Action Press/Action Press via ZUMA Press/TNS, "Seattle Intelligencer," Williams--Richard R. Hewett/"TV Guide" /NBC/Everett Collection, "Variety"
#riplisaloring #ripcindywilliams #lisaloring #cindywilliams
I grew up on Laverne & Shirley. RIP Cindy Williams
Sad News,RIP Popular Actress Cindy Williams has Passed Away at 75.From 1976-83 one of ABCs most popular Shows was “Laverne&Shirley” it featured many quirky Characters.#Comedy #entertainment #ABC #1970s #RIPCindyWilliams
#ripcindywilliams #1970s #abc #entertainment #comedy
#CindyWilliams and #PennyMarshall shooting the opening title sequence of #LaverneAndShirley in December, 1975. 💔
#ripcindywilliams #laverneandshirley #pennymarshall #cindywilliams
The 1930s has #ZasuPitts and #ThelmaTodd. Kids In The 1970s we’re lucky to have Penny Marshall and #CindyWilliams. “And we’ll do it our way, make all our dreams come true!”
#laverneandshirley #ripcindywilliams #cindywilliams #thelmatodd #zasupitts
#CindyWilliams (1947-2023) — a TV icon as Shirley Feeney on #LaverneAndShirley.
She also appeared in #AmericanGrafitti (1973) and #TheConversation (1974) in a 50-year career. #RIPCindyWilliams #1970s #1970sTV
#1970stv #1970s #ripcindywilliams #theconversation #americangrafitti #laverneandshirley #cindywilliams