RIP to Darcelle, aka Walter Cole, once the world's oldest performing drag queen, and to my knowledge, never once harmed a child in 92 years of existence, no matter what White Nationalists and the Republican Party might say. (Unlike guns, of course, which is now the leading cause of death for children). #RIPDarcelle #Portland #Drag
"As the push for LGBTQ rights gained steam, Darcelle became an 'ambassador' to the straight community, and for decades she was known for her charitable work."
Portland, OR, Icon & Drag Queene Darcelle XV Dies via Oregon Public Radio
Photo: "Through Darcelle's Eyes"/360 Labs/Oregon Live
#RIPDarcelle #RIPDarcelleXV #Darcelle #DarcelleXV #WalterWColeSr #DragQueen #DragQueens
#ripdarcelle #ripdarcellexv #darcelle #darcellexv #walterwcolesr #dragqueen #dragqueens
@Toastie Darcelle was so awesome! I was lucky enough to see their show twice! #RIPDarcelle