The clip is from a talk Rob Carolina of ISC gave at #ripe86. It was part of a larger panel discussion that covered the Cyber Resilience act. The whole thing can be found at, and for people who just wanna see the slides, the whole (longer) deck is here:
Development Update #2305 out!
Read about the teams, projects and results from the #DNSHackathon2023 that took places on the weekend before #RIPE86 in Rotterdam, and about the latest releases of #dnswire, #DSC and #dnsperf!
#DNS #OpenSource #Hackathons
#dnshackathon2023 #ripe86 #dnswire #dsc #dnsperf #dns #opensource #hackathons
#ripe86 #ipv6 #tutorial #ipv6basics #ipv6only #ipv6transition #dualstack #uptodate #nat64 #464xlat #dslite #video #pdf
Did you miss the #ripe86 meeting last week in Rotterdam? A bunch of ISC ppl went. Here is one account of what you missed, I am sure there are better ones out there:
on my blog!
"Where does 'where does my computer get the time from?' come from?"
notes on the things I left out of my talk at #ripe86 that i tooted about on friday
“Climate Resilient Development Pathways”, In: “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability” #RIPE86
ooh look, the stenography transcripts of this morning’s #ripe86 sessions are now up at
on my blog!
"where does my computer get the time from?"
a blogified version of the lightning talk I gave at #RIPE86 this morning
Back from #RIPE86 and straight into building High Availability with multiple active nodes for our #OpenSource #RPKI CA software Krill.
Time is fun!
@fanf presenting at #RIPE86
Where Does My Computer Get the Time From?
Find link to slides at:
Quite a trifecta on the Friday morning of #RIPE86 - an onsite presenter, a remote presenter *and* a live demo! And it all worked so well. Major props to the speakers and the RIPE NCC Ops team!
A bottle of water, a glass of Pepsi Max and a very tasty flapjack, thus begins the last day of #RIPE86! Two great final sessions to round off the week.
I was 26 when I went to my first #RIPE meeting, 3 years after becoming a network engineer, 5 years after entering the industry. I became a Working Group Chair 3 years later. Was it easier to do that younger in 2007? #RIPE86 #DiversityinTech
#ripe #ripe86 #diversityintech
RT @BWBroersma:
Honored to present at #RIPE86 for the @internet_nl team about An open source tool to check ✅ your domain on modern internet 🔒security standards like IPv6, DNSSEC, HTTPS, DMARC, STARTTLS and DANE.
How well does your domain score?
Two sessions in a row where there's talk of going grey. I mean, I feel these personal attacks have to stop! :) #RIPE86
"Way back in 2010" (mentioned in relation with RIPE DB terms of use at #RIPE86. Linear time, I know, but it's such a stark "what once was the far future is now the receding past..." moment!
Come to #RIPE86, they said. Have a false fire alarm, they said! Very good behaviour by the meeting attendees who all made their way towards the exits, as one single guard very half-heartedly tried to tell us it wasn't actually an emergency...