Éxito en el último webinario que Ripess y organizaciones hermanas proponen sobre oportunidades y retos futuros para la Economía Social Solidaria. – #RIPESS #EconomiaSocialSolidaria #ESS
#ess #economiasocialsolidaria #ripess
20 aniversario en la construcción del movimiento de la #ESS
#EconomiaSocialYSolidaria #RIPESS
#ripess #economiasocialysolidaria #ess
Le RIPESS revendique la nécessité d’inclure l’ESS dans les stratégies mondiales de réalisation des ODD, HLPF 2020
Just hopped on this #RIPESS webinar https://www.ripess.org/webinaires-intercontinentaux-vision-globale-de-less-2020/?fbclid=IwAR3bAWYEWiPllbukdMyZoFMZPo4fa25j-vu2D8vnLBDjEk1lY4KK8s9039k
#ripess intercontinental webinar
“Beyond COVID19 emergency: building collective and lasting responses through SSE”
(Event starts at 44:00)
This week, from November 8th to 11th, the #RIPESS Education working group will pilot the #SolidarityEconomy Learning Tour & Cross-training hosted by #CooperationJackson (US) with the participation of both local and international trainers from the US, Latin America and the Caribbean; Canada; Europe and Eastern Asia.
FRA 👉 https://bit.ly/2NoBNTW
ENG 👉 https://bit.ly/32p1Nmx
ESP 👉 https://bit.ly/2Ck9HD2
#cooperationjackson #solidarityeconomy #ripess
Happening now!
VII Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Economía Social Solidaria
This looks great
"This week, from 27 February to 2 March, the VII Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Social Solidarity Economy (ELACESS VII) will be held.
"Thanks to the organizers of the event RIPESS LAC, REDESS and the University of Costa Rica, you can follow several sessions live from here."
#ripess #solidarityeconomy #français #español #english
On the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, #RIPESS and #REASEuskadi have issued a joint "Declaration for a Transformative Social and Solidarity Economy"
"[We] aspire to build a socio-economic system that places people, their communities and their environment at the centre of all its processes...
to guarantee the sustainability of life in all its aspects and to promote equitable, inclusive, democratic and sustainable well-being for all people...
#gsef2018 #ripess #reaseuskadi
Thoughts on this? #platformcooperatives #ripess "Incubator.coop: an Incubator for Platform Cooperatives | P2P Foundation"
https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/incubator-coop-incubator-platform-cooperatives/2017/09/13 https://social.coop/media/k9x6ggFR7qFfQz4_TPE