Tails 2020-03-05.
G-FBEJ, Embraer ERJ190-200LR, Flybe, lining up on Runway 23L at manchester Airport, 12th October 2019.
#avgeek #planespotting #tails #manchester #man #egcc #southside #23LHold #embraer #erj190 #flybe #ripflybe
#ripflybe #flybe #erj190 #embraer #23LHold #southside #egcc #man #manchester #tails #planespotting #avgeek
Extra Photo of the Day 2020-03-05.
G-BLZT, Shorts SD3-60, Jersey European (one of Flybe's predecessors) at Blackpool Airport, 30th April 1993.
#avgeek #planespotting#potd #blackpool #blk #egnh #shorts #sd360 #jerseyEuropean #ripFlybe
#ripflybe #jerseyeuropean #sd360 #shorts #egnh #blk #blackpool #planespotting #avgeek
Bonus Photo of the Day 2020-03-05.
G-JECP, De Haviland Canada DHC8-402Q, Flybe, on final approach to Runway 23R at Manchester Airport, 23rd May 2019.
#avgeek #planespotting #potd #manchester #man #egcc #shadowmossRoad #ringwayRoad #deHavilandCanada #dhc8 #flybe #ripflybe
#ripflybe #flybe #dhc8 #dehavilandcanada #ringwayroad #shadowmossroad #egcc #man #manchester #potd #planespotting #avgeek