I remember the day died so clearly. It was April 5, 1994; I was a senior at .

I had no classes that day. I woke up, showered, and put on combat boots, brown linen pants, black t shirt & my Skelly hat.

(Why I recall my outfit I have no idea.)

I heard on the radio that they ‘found a body' in Cobain's house & didn't think much of it. I figured somebody had OD'd and maybe it was him - but prolly not because he should be happy with his phenomenal success, no?

I walked over to a friends' apartment. We were hanging out & drinking MGD when the real news came out. We were stunned.

I have no recollection what the rest of the day was like, what we talked about or anything. I wish he'd gotten the help he needed.

Photo by Adam Jones.


#kurtcobain #northwesternuniversity #socialdistortion #ripkurtcobain #posse

Last updated 2 years ago

Punkrock History · @historyofpunkrock
3584 followers · 809 posts · Server sfba.social

Two legends that couldn't be more different

Kurt Cobain with Pete Shelley, Paris, February 14, 1994, when the Buzzcocks supported Nirvana

#rippeteshelley #ripkurtcobain #punk #punks #PunkRock #history #punkrockhistory

Last updated 2 years ago