Ein ganz besonderer Konzertabend in der Schorndorfer Manufaktur: Die Rose City Band bringt das Psychedelische zurück in Cosmic Country, lässt Gram Parsons und Jerry Garcia auf Spacemen 3 treffen, dass man es sich nicht schöner ausdenken könnte.
#Konzertbericht #Konzert #Konzertfotografie #Concert #ConcertReview #Gig #GigReview #ConcertPhotography #LiveMusic #LiveMusik #Musik #Music #CountryMusic #RoseCityBand #RipleyJohnson #Schorndorf
#konzertbericht #konzert #konzertfotografie #concert #concertreview #gig #gigreview #concertphotography #livemusic #livemusik #musik #music #countrymusic #rosecityband #ripleyjohnson #Schorndorf
This was sort of the phase where Wooden Shjips and Moon Duo's differences met in the middle and it was hard to discern one from the other without looking at how the albums were actually made. Not a knock, this album is incredibly smooth and a relaxing listen. This dropped 5 years ago today by the way.
#onthisday #music #woodenshjips #v #ripleyjohnson
Rose City Band // #RoseCityBand //
Dawn Control
[album Earth Trip, 2021]
//via // #ThrillJockey //
#brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #RipleyJohnson #RoseCityBand #EarthTrip #DawnControl #RyanJewell #JohnJeffrey #SanaeYamada
link bandcamp: https://rosecityband.bandcamp.com/track/dawn-patrol
#thrilljockey #brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #ripleyjohnson #earthtrip #dawncontrol #ryanjewell #johnjeffrey #sanaeyamada #rosecityband
Rose City Band // #RoseCityBand //
[album Earth Trip, 2021]
//via // #ThrillJockey //
#brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #RipleyJohnson #RoseCityBand #EarthTrip #Rabbit #RyanJewell #JohnJeffrey
link bandcamp: https://rosecityband.bandcamp.com/track/rabbit
#ryanjewell #johnjeffrey #rosecityband #thrilljockey #brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #ripleyjohnson #earthtrip #rabbit
Rose City Band // #RoseCityBand //
Feel of Love
[album Earth Trip, 2021]
//via // #ThrillJockey //
#brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #RipleyJohnson #RoseCityBand #EarthTrip #FeelOfLove #BarryWalker #JohnJeffrey
link bandcamp: https://rosecityband.bandcamp.com/track/feel-of-love
#rosecityband #thrilljockey #brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #ripleyjohnson #earthtrip #feeloflove #barrywalker #johnjeffrey
Moon Duo // #MoonDuo //
Set It On Fire
[album Escape (Expanded Edition), 2020]
//via // #SacredBonesRecords //
#brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #MoonDuo #SanaeYamada #RipleyJohnson #SetItOnFire #EscapeExpandedEdition #Escape
link bandcamp: https://moonduo.bandcamp.com/track/set-it-on-fire
#moonduo #sacredbonesrecords #brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #sanaeyamada #ripleyjohnson #setitonfire #escapeexpandededition #escape
Moon Duo // #MoonDuo //
Set It On Fire
[album Escape (Expanded Edition), 2020]
//via // #SacredBonesRecords //
#brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #MoonDuo #SanaeYamada #RipleyJohnson #SetItOnFire #EscapeExpandedEdition #Escape
link bandcamp: https://moonduo.bandcamp.com/track/set-it-on-fire
#moonduo #sacredbonesrecords #brandunbrand #bandcamp #music #sanaeyamada #ripleyjohnson #setitonfire #escapeexpandededition #escape