Old Hippie Ⓥ · @old_hippie
676 followers · 3748 posts · Server masto.ai

The US medical system is unique in the world in that it places millions of people into crippling debt for getting sick.

We just donated to who is a charity that buys at discount and relieves medical debt in the US. Please consider doing so if you can.


#ripmedicaldebt #medicaldebt #debtrelief #charity

Last updated 1 year ago

Austin :fdl: · @riverrat
220 followers · 1597 posts · Server poboy.social

The city of and are pairing up to buy and cancel medical debt, but they won’t be able to do it without the cooperation of the two biggest medical providers in the region, and .

From :

#neworleans #ripmedicaldebt #ochsner #lcmc #veritenewsnola

Last updated 2 years ago

JarOCats™ 🏳️‍🌈 · @jarocats
59 followers · 286 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Mind you, it shouldn't have to be done this way (any more than a child should feel moved to clear the school-lunch debts of his classmates), but it's nevertheless heartwarming to see such an organization exists:

New Orleans plans to erase $130 million in residents’ medical debt lailluminator.com/2023/01/02/n

#ripmedicaldebt #medicaldebt #debt #neworleans

Last updated 2 years ago

Julie Goldberg · @Julie
540 followers · 527 posts · Server social.coop

THIS is a smart local government in action! The Ohio City Council approved $800,000 through to retire over $160 million in its residents’ medical debt! This will be life-changing.


#ripmedicaldebt #toledo

Last updated 2 years ago