Okay hoe goed is #RipperStreet eigenlijk wel ni. Mij volledig ontgaan, maar top serie. 👌
@ksimmons thanks for the advice! #DocMartin was my intro to #BritishTV (I know, I'm such a #derlict), but I've since watched through #OnlyFoolsAndHorses, #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall (the original series), um...#PrimeSuspect, #LineOfDuty (personal fave), #RipperStreet, #DowntonAbbey, so many more. Kind of a smattering of my tastes, lol. Oh! #Broadchurch!
#docmartin #BritishTV #derlict #onlyfoolsandhorses #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #primesuspect #LineOfDuty #ripperstreet #downtonabbey #Broadchurch
Don’t know why I’m doing this to myself but I’m rewatching #RipperStreet and someone needs to explain to me why the theme song goes so hard. What is that, a fiddle? Fiddle-ly dee, the fuck outta me.
More hashtags (always with the hashtagging, this one!):
#thesimpsons #KingOfTheHill #bobsburgers #rickandmorty #ResidentAlien #peopleOfEarth #SavedByTheBell #evil #youtube #kenburns #pbs #npr #LineOfDuty #RipperStreet (little bit of everything.)
#thesimpsons #KingOfTheHill #bobsburgers #rickandmorty #ResidentAlien #peopleOfEarth #SavedByTheBell #evil #youtube #kenburns #pbs #npr #LineOfDuty #ripperstreet
On season 4 of #RipperStreet and I have to be honest, it’s impressive how the writers managed to make Rose the sweetest but simultaneously the most unlikable character. She’s done it before and I can see they’re gearing up for another one; she’s going to break Bennet’s heart for the dozenth time.
Hey, do you like #PeakyBlinders? Do you like #RipperStreet ? Do you like #SherlockHolmes? Do you like comics? If you answered yes to any of the above, you might enjoy Sherlock Holmes - #Liverpool Demon https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17995154-sherlock-holmes
#peakyblinders #ripperstreet #sherlockholmes #liverpool
@jordan31 Have you checked out Ripper Street?
#YearOfTheRabbit is basically a sit com version of #ripperstreet, starring @porksmith@twitter.com. So, it's ace.
#yearoftherabbit #ripperstreet