Wednesday Ratings | Almost everybody is watching THE ASHES
#AmbulanceCodeRed #AnimalsAboardWithDr.Harry #GoldDiggers #Gruen #HuntedAustralia #QueenOfOz #Riptide #TheAshes #TourdeFrance #TVratingsAU #Utopia #WhoTheBloodyHellAreWe
#ambulancecodered #animalsaboardwithdr #golddiggers #gruen #huntedaustralia #queenofoz #riptide #theashes #tourdefrance #tvratingsau #utopia #whothebloodyhellarewe
"Addicted to Love" is a song by English rock singer #RobertPalmer released in 1986. It is the third song on Palmer's eighth studio album #Riptide (1985) and was released as its second single. The single version is a shorter edit of the full-length album version. The song entered the Billboard Hot 100 chart the week ending 8 February 1986. The song ended up topping the Billboard Hot 100, as well as the Billboard #TopRockTracks chart.
#robertpalmer #riptide #toprocktracks
#MagnumPI s1e12 (1981) - 9/10
An absolutely-delightful episode!
1️⃣ #BabsGreyhosky (#TheATeam, #Riptide) is one of the writers. It's a strong story about a daughter searching for her long-lost father, and it is laugh-out-loud funny all the way through.
2️⃣ #NoahBeeryJr. (#TheRockfordFiles) is the charming-rogue father. #AnneBloom (#NotNecessarilyTheNews) is the golly-gee-whiz daughter. Both are perfect.
#magnumpi #babsgreyhosky #TheATeam #riptide #noahbeeryjr #therockfordfiles #annebloom #notnecessarilythenews
I watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV between May 14th and May 27th.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #buffalobill #highlander #hillstreetblues #hunter #themarytylermooreshow #seinfeld #baretta #Kojak #theotherone #santabarbara #30rock #viper #werewolf #TheATeam #branded #thefamousteddyz #hardcastleandmccormick #rhoda #riptide #talesfromthecrypt #fernwoodtonight #inbedwithmedinner #three #thesixmilliondollarman #wonderwoman
Well! Lots of destruction, but somehow a meh! (IMO) fight.
Split decision. Fair. It really coulda gone either way.
#riptide #copperhead #battlebots
Against it, The CBS Tuesday Night Movie while ABC aired #MacGruderAndLoud.
📺 In terms of ratings, #Riptide was in NBC’s Top 5 for the 1984-1985 TV season. It was at #5 behind #Cheers (#4), #TheATeam (#3), #FamilyTies (#2) and #TheCosbyShow (#1).
#macgruderandloud #riptide #cheers #TheATeam #familyties #thecosbyshow #80stv #ActionAdventure #tvdetectives #privateeye
#Riptide s2e13 (1985) - 8/10
1️⃣ Good script by #BillNuss, for #StephenJCannell Productions, gives guest stars #JohnAstin and #AnnTurkel two strong/interesting characters to play: an eccentric billionaire and his devoted helicopter pilot.
2️⃣ Lots of helicopter action in this one.
3️⃣ The always-reliable #JamesSloyan is the villain.
📺 January 1985. NBC aired #Riptide on Tuesdays in the second hour of prime time, after #TheATeam and before #RemingtonSteele.
#riptide #billnuss #stephenjcannell #johnastin #annturkel #jamessloyan #TheATeam #remingtonsteele
Honestly, the only nice thing I can say about Team #Riptide on #Battlebots is that they #plagiarized a good #robot.
#Robot #plagiarized #battlebots #riptide
This promises to be ultraviolent, on paper... #Ultraviolence
😳 Oh, my! Promises kept.
#ultraviolence #blackdragon #riptide #battlebots
37 years ago today:
S3E21: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
The episode begins with Parisi arranging for the guys to serve as consultants for a television detective drama starring Rosalind Grant and Cary Russell (the Maddie Hayes and David Addison lookalikes). As a result, the guys allow Grant and Russell to follow them on a case for sleazy attorney Myron Be...
Airdate: 1986-04-18
#Riptide #PerryKing #JoePenny #NBC #TV
#riptide #perryking #joepenny #nbc #tv
39 years ago today:
S1E12: Double Your Pleasure
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan)
Cody and Nick are reluctant when Murray takes them to a singles party, but Cody is soon glad he went when he meets an attractive, pleasant woman named Sheila. The two quickly develop a fondness for each other, but Sheila breaks down when she mentions her missing sister M...
Airdate: 1984-04-03
#Riptide #PerryKing #JoePenny #NBC #tvshows
#riptide #perryking #joepenny #nbc #tvshows
1980s action shows.
What's your favourite from these 4? Why?
#hardcastleandmccormick #mikehammer #riptide #tjhooker #culttv #classictv #tvpoll #ActionAdventure #tvdetectives
📺 I love my '80s action shows.
Averages from the last 7 episodes I reviewed/rated.
1️⃣ #Riptide (8.4/10)
2️⃣ #HardcastleAndMcCormick (8.3/10)
2️⃣ #TJHooker (8.3/10)
4️⃣ #MikeHammer (6.1/10)
📺 Kinda not surprised to see that I like Hammer least, because the scripts are often weak/average.
📺 Kinda not surprised to see that I like Riptide most, because the scripts are mostly very good.
What's YOUR favourite from these 4?
#ClassicTV #CultTV #80sTV #80sTelevision #ActionAdventure #TVDetectives
#riptide #hardcastleandmccormick #tjhooker #mikehammer #classictv #culttv #80stv #80stelevision #ActionAdventure #tvdetectives
I've watched/reviewed/rated 25 episodes of #ClassicTV in the last 12 days.
Here's how they lined up.
#classictv #catweazle #highlander #midnightcaller #perfectstrangers #batman #foreverknight #myworldandwelcometoit #riptide #soap #thestreetsofsanfrancisco #benson #fernwoodtonight #hardcastleandmccormick #thehunger #idreamofjeannie #scoobydoo #taxi #talesfromthecrypt #thisisdavidlander #tjhooker #waroftheworlds #dustystrail #magnumpi #areyoubeingserved #viper
Time for #BattleBots!
First match was #Riptide against #CaptainShredderator and to no one's surprise Riptide destroy the Captain. The only surprise was how much they destroyed them after they had obviously won. Captain's team wasn't particularly happy about that.
#battlebots #riptide #captainshredderator
#Riptide s2e12 (1985) - 9/10
Very good episode about a serious topic.
1️⃣ #NancyStafford gives a terrific performance, and there are some lovely moments. Particularly the final scene, which is a tearjerker.
2️⃣ The story of Nick’s missing girlfriend (and her Vietnam flashbacks) is paired with a b-story about rival mobsters, which is there to provide the show’s action component. It’s a mismatch. But it works, adds danger and keeps the episode moving forward.
For March, my #ClassicTV watchlist looks something like this:
#GvsE #Two #30Rock #JustShootMe! #Benson #TheHardyBoys #Catweazle #TheNewAvengers #ThisIsDavidLander #Riptide #WarOfTheWorlds #Gargoyles #MisfitsOfScience #McMillanAndWife #Werewolf #TheHunger #FalconCrest #RudeAwakening #MollyDodd #TheDaysAndNightsOfMollyDodd #IDreamOfJeannie #TJHooker #Fernwood2Night #ForeverKnight
#classictv #gvse #two #30rock #justshootme #benson #thehardyboys #catweazle #thenewavengers #thisisdavidlander #riptide #waroftheworlds #gargoyles #misfitsofscience #mcmillanandwife #werewolf #thehunger #falconcrest #rudeawakening #mollydodd #thedaysandnightsofmollydodd #idreamofjeannie #tjhooker #fernwood2night #foreverknight #classictelevision #90stv #80stv #70stv #60stv
Exciting episode alert! Our latest episode features Doug Marinaro, CEO of Riptide, sharing how their platform is revolutionizing the supply chain industry #Riptide #supplychain #customerservice
Check out the full episode here =>
#customerservice #supplychain #riptide
Want to improve your customer journey and streamline your communication? Don't miss our latest episode featuring Riptide's three-way text platform! #Riptide #issueresolution #supplychain
Check out the full episode here =>
#supplychain #issueresolution #riptide
Interested in how messaging can be used to improve customer experience and streamline issue resolution? Check out the #Digital Supply Chain podcast featuring Riptide's CEO Doug Marinaro! #Riptide #communication #supplychain
Full episode here =>
#supplychain #communication #riptide #digital