Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ♫ #AlbumOfTheWeek #WeDontNeedAnotherHero #MadMax #BeyondThunderdome #TinaTurner #1985 #RIPTinaTurner
#AlbumOfTheWeek #WeDontNeedAnOtherHero #madmax #beyondthunderdome #tinaturner #riptinaturner
For more than 40 years, Tina Turner talked publicly about being abused by ex-husband Ike. "I wanted to stop people from thinking that Ike and Tina was so positive, that we were such a great team," she explained in her 2021 documentary. Her openness may have saved lives. Rolling Stone talked to other survivors and people who support abused women about Tina's legacy beyond music.
Seeing so much coverage about the loss of Tina Turner brought back memories of what was possibly my first real introduction of her amazing talent. In the 70’s I was a teenager watching her as Acid Queen and having all my senses come to life watching the movie Tommy.
I still have trouble putting into words how I feIt watching this movie. I was 18yrs and saw it in a theatre in the centre of Perth. It blew my mind with outstanding music and visuals, I had never seen anything like it. It was amazing, terrifying, sad and I cried, sobbed. A complete sensory overload that change me forever and even now 50+ years later it still stays with me.
I’d love to know if you saw it as a teenager and have you watched it again as an adult?
I’d like to watch it again but am worried it won’t live up to my first impression and will spoil those memories.
On the return of the Glacially Musical Poured cast - Nik and Keefy unbox and review the new Ronnie James Dio Record Store Day release "Dio: Live in Fresno"
„Diváci na scéně u Tiny Turner nikdy neviděli žádnou slabost, přestože si prošla peklem (domácího násilí),“ říká v
@zaminutusest hudební publicista a šéfredaktor Honza Vedral. „Byla, řekl bych, ztělesněním emancipace na pódiu. Prostě rockerka, která dokáže všechno. (...) Dokázala propojit svět černé a bílé hudby a tím, že zveřejnila svůj životní příběh - to, že žila s tyranem - také otevřela důležitou společenskou diskusi.“
#TinaTurner #RIPTinaTurner
Ike & Tina Turner - Dynamite! ♫ #AlbumOfTheWeek #ItsGonnaWorkOutFine #IkeAndTinaTurner #1962 #TinaTurner #RIPTinaTurner
#AlbumOfTheWeek #itsgonnaworkoutfine #ikeandtinaturner #tinaturner #riptinaturner
In what is becoming a regular way for us to honour the passing of musical legends here's a #threeForFriday #music #quiz in honour of the powerhouse of a singer Tina Turner. I expect everyone to get her real name!
#musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #RIPTinaTurner #tinaturner #thunderdome @tinaturner
#Thunderdome #tinaturner #riptinaturner #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday
Who else is going to be listening to @tinaturner on a loop today? #RIPTinaTurner
Tina Turner in a 1977 creation by costume designer Bob Mackie and his thoughts.
#tinaTurner #RIPTinaTurner #tbt #throwbackThursday #altText #music #thursday #restinpeace #Mastodon #crewdteesdotcom
#crewdteesdotcom #Mastodon #restinpeace #thursday #Music #alttext #ThrowBackThursday #TBT #riptinaturner #tinaturner
On CBC Radio every time they talk about the death of Tina Turner they start playing her hit Simply The Best. I hear Tina but I keep seeing this scene from Schitt’s Creek. ❤️
🎙Wednesday’s THE POLITICRAT daily #podcast: Remembering And Celebrating The Incomparable Rock and Roll Queen Tina Turner #Tina #TinaTurner #RIPTinaTurner #ApplePodcasts #BlackMastodon #Mastodon
#Mastodon #BlackMastodon #applepodcasts #riptinaturner #tinaturner #tina #podcast
The voice! The soul! The beauty! The sheer bloody energy of her!
Just found this one. Here is the Queen at age 70, SLAYING.
We Don't Need Another Hero.
Wenn ich heute noch normal arbeiten möchte, darf ich nicht an Tina denken.
Private Dancer hat mich damals komplett geflasht. Einfach alles an dem Song ist perfekt.
Eine in vielerlei Hinsicht Außergewöhnliche Frau, bei der das Leben auch erst einmal ein wenig Anlauf brauchte, bis es gut wurde.
R.I.P. Tina. Du hast meinen Ohren den Weg in den Rock geebnet.
Rocklegende Tina Turner ist tot #TinaTurner #RIPTinaTurner