@evildrganymede I totally agree, but I’m also a massive Bond fan and he was perfection as Milos Columbo in For Your Eyes Only #RIPTopol
Topol (1935-2023) — Israeli actor and singer, best known as Tevye in #FiddlerOnTheRoof on stage and in the 1971 film.
He also appeared in #FlashGordon (1980), #ForYourEyesOnly (1981) and the miniseries #WindsOfWarand #WarAndRemembrance.
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/09/movies/topol-dead.html #RIPTopol
#riptopol #warandremembrance #windsofwarand #foryoureyesonly #flashgordon #FiddlerontheRoof
#RIPChaimTopol #ChaimTopol #RIPTopol #Topol
Photo: Universal/Mirisch
#ripchaimtopol #chaimtopol #riptopol #topol
He was most well-loved by me as Dr. Zarkov in one of my favorite films, FLASH GORDON. Zarkov’s mind wipe sequence is still one of the most heartbreaking scenes I’ve seen on film. RIP Topol. Thank you for all of your work. #Topol #FlashGordon #FiddlerOnTheRoof #RIPTopol
#topol #flashgordon #fiddlerontheroof #riptopol
RIP Topol, born Chaim Topol, dead at 87. The Israeli born actor is best known for playing Tevye in the movie version of Fiddler on the Roof (1971), and as Dr. Hans Zarkov in Flash Gordon (1980).