Vu passer un lien en c'est donc fait.
C'est fou comme on a l'esprit plus léger une fois son compte fermé sur ce réseau de dingues. #riptwitter
I would have to remember, but obviously....
#TwitteRx #RIPTwitter #Twitter
#twitter #riptwitter #twitterx
@sirana und genau das sieht man dort jeden Tag deutlicher. Die rechten Trolle drehen dort inzwischen vollkommen und ungebremst frei.
Eins muss man dem Elon ja lassen. Durch sein professionelles herunterwirtschaften von #twitter kommen immer mehr User zu Mastodon. Man muss auch mal die Vorteile sehen.
#mastodon #riptwitter #elonmusk #twitter
So Elon blocked this catturd guy for complaining about removing the blocking functionality?!
#musk I guess doesn't use the #block feature on #Twitter / X. I guess when he said it doesn't make sense he must be having short term memory loss. Guess he also doesn't use a #spam filter in his mail. #riptwitter :ablobcatangel:
#musk #block #twitter #spam #riptwitter
#amarcord :
Su #Twitter avevo più blocchi che follower.
Ahhhh...i bei vecchi tempi.
#amarcord #twitter #riptwitter
Mi sembra di capire che stia arrivando una nuova infornata.
Ripropongo il mio personale pov:
A #Musk non importa nulla di me, noi, voi, di #Twitter, di #X.
L'obiettivo sono le Presidenziali USA 2024, ed indirizzarle dove vuole lui.
Noi possiamo semplicemente scegliere di essere o meno suoi complici.
Ho trovato questo schifo in casella di posta.
Io non dico che #ElonMusk non dovesse realizzare una piattaforma come desiderava, ma è stato veramente disonesto ad approfittare di una piattaforma già esistente per beccare utenti e reputation e poi stravolgerla dall'interno.
Sarebbe stato più onesto a partire da zero con un progetto suo.
#twitter #riptwitter
#elonmusk #eccheccazzo #x #twitter #riptwitter
"これは、米BuzzFeedが同日、Twitterが早ければ2月7日の週に、現在時系列で表示されているタイムラインを、アルゴリズムで決めた優先順に表示するように変更すると報じ、それを受けたユーザーが「#RIPTwitter(Twitterよ、安らかに眠れ)」などといったハッシュタグでこの変更について反対したことに対するコメントだ。" 2016年02月07日の記事
Yo #MadElon, go eat shit, you are batshit crazy and all your money does not change a thing about it.
What a spoiled brat, should spend the rest of his life in his ancestor's emerald mine really.
#RIPTwitter #hatespeech
#MadElon #riptwitter #hatespeech
Bloody #MadElon suing the Center for Countering Digital Hate (#CCDH) is next level bullshit.
The X formerly known as the birdie network has not seen its #advertisement #business eroding heavily due to a scientific study of the CCDH, but due to Mad Elon inviting all the right-fringe nutties back while firing his moderation teams.
#hatespeech is a serious issue on that platform, and its boss does not want to fight it because he defends *free speech*. #socialmedia #RIPTwitter
#MadElon #ccdh #advertisement #business #hatespeech #socialmedia #riptwitter
As it it was ever about free speech. It was always about control. #elonmusk #x #riptwitter
The Twitter app changed to an X this morning on my iPhone… so I deleted it. Good riddance. #RIPTwitter
The dismembered body of Fernando Perez Algaba, a self-made cryptocurrency millionaire, was found in a suitcase last week.
#Cryptocurrency #FernandoPerezAlgaba #RIPTwitter
#riptwitter #fernandoperezalgaba #Cryptocurrency
So, it's been a while since I did an #Introduction #ConnectionList #TwitterMigration post where, I find interesting people for you to follow on #Mastodon, and use my reach to more closely connect the #Fediverse :fediverse:
@ANUResearch is the official Mastodon account of #ANU Research (I think, it all looks very legit, but I don't know the person behind the account) #research #university 🇦🇺
@drwaus is the new official account for Digital Rights Watch in Australia (h/t to all the good work Sam @floreani is doing in this space - don't forget to catch her #keynote at later this month!)
@AoIR is the official Association of #Internet #Researchers account. Read more at 🇺🇸
Professor @nilsph1 works in #knowledge organisation and information retrieval #IR at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at #Oslo Metropolitan University @oslomet :flag-no:
@fionatribe is an #anthropologist, workplace #strategist and #ethnographer who works in #architecture and #OrgDesign 🇦🇺
@dcm is Dimitri Coelho Mollo, an Assistant #Professor in the Philosophy of #AI at #Umeå University :flag-se:
@anders is a #Communication strategist for #AI #Sweden :flag-se:
@rachaelvdm is a #MetaData #librarian #GLAM interested in #nature #art #history 🇳🇱 🇦🇺
@bentarnoff is a technical #writer, who recently wrote a brilliant piece on Joseph #Weizenbaum for The Guardian. You should read it. 🇺🇸
@observablehq is the official account of the #dataviz platform, based on #D3js from @mbostock
That's all for today, don't forget to share your own #ConnectionList, particularly as we say #RIPTwitter ❤️
#introduction #connectionlist #twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #anu #research #university #keynote #internet #researchers #knowledge #ir #oslo #anthropologist #strategist #ethnographer #architecture #orgdesign #professor #ai #umea #communication #sweden #metadata #librarian #glam #nature #art #history #writer #weizenbaum #dataviz #d3js #riptwitter