#Derby is still trying to 'upgrade' the A38, even though it was found that the plans (#ris2) were contrary to the government's #netzero pledges and was blocked.
For more information please see here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-the-a38-road-expansion-for-good/
There will be 4 years of construction, many established trees felled, and some perfectly good houses destroyed.
I used to think it would be good to change the junction as it was always a bottleneck, but we can't just keep making more and more space available for cars.
RT @greenmattbfd@twitter.com
🛣️ The #RIS2 road building project is earmarked to cost £16 BILLION to build just FIVE road projects.
🚝 Meanwhile the government set aside just £500 million to reopen #railway lines
✂️ But guess which one they want to cut ...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenmattbfd/status/1617871422415667200
RT @greenmattbfd
🛣️ The #RIS2 road building project is earmarked to cost £16 BILLION to build just FIVE road projects.
🚝 Meanwhile the government set aside just £500 million to reopen #railway lines
✂️ But guess which one they want to cut ...
RT @greenmattbfd@twitter.com
🚌 We need to make public transport a real alternative to get around.
🚄 Across Europe, governments are encouraging people to use #publictransport by making it affordable.
💰 We could fund cheaper travel by scrapping the road building programme #RIS2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/greenmattbfd/status/1599675490523963392
RT @TransportActio2@twitter.com
The Chancellor failed to take the opportunity to save billions in tax rises by scrapping white elephant road schemes in the #AutumnStatement.
Scrapping the 5 most damaging road schemes in #RIS2 could save the Exchequer £16bn and avoid an extra 17 million tonnes of carbon.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TransportActio2/status/1593249218621120520
Green Party Transport Spokesperson Matt Edwards is calling for an improvement in the #NorthernPowerhouse Rail plans, including a stop at #Bradford
This could be paid for by “scrapping the immensely wasteful road building” planned as part of the Road Investment Strategy 2 #RIS2 #LevellingUp
#levellingup #ris2 #bradford #northernpowerhouse