It is AMAZING what catching up on #sleep can do for #MentalHealth. 3 days ago I was struggling, this morning I woke up refreshed and ready to jump back on all the horses I've ignored for 2w.
#Sleep is the first domino of #selfcare that #ADHD-ers need to take care of. Gathering data and using technology has helped me to get back on track. When I looked at my sleep data for the month (see image), I saw how spotty sleep affected how I felt. The 2nd week was so bad that motivation cratered; I had to use last week to get my sleep back on track.
I use two #iOS #apps for this: #AutoSleep (the screenshot source) and #RiseApp (it calculates #CircadianRhythms, the best times to sleep & wake, and tracks sleep debt).
3 nights of 8.5h of sleep caught me up, and I did it by going to bed at Rise's recommended time, with 1mg of #melatonin taken 4h before that.
Props to my #AppleWatch for the data gathering.
#sleep #mentalhealth #selfcare #adhd #ios #apps #autosleep #riseapp #circadianrhythms #melatonin #applewatch
Die App kostet 60 Euro im Jahr. Wieviel Stunden müsste ich arbeiten statt zu schlafen um diese weitere Selbstoptimierungsapp zu finanzieren? #riseapp #sleep #capitalism
Laut der App habe ich mehr Energie je mehr von meiner Schlafschuld (also Schlafmangel den ich vor mir her ankumuliere) ich durch länger schlafen rein hole. Ich hab’s mir nicht super genau (gar nicht) durchgelesen, aber wenn ich heute hochmotiviert 11 Stunden geschlafen habe, kann ich ja wahrscheinlich abends erst später einschlafen und müsste dann länger schlafen als ich Zeit habe um nicht wieder Schlafschuld aufzubauen. Also sollte ich ja eher nicht so viel auf einmal reinschlafen 🤔 #riseapp
Melatonin window: when the body produces more melatonin & is the best time to go to sleep. Around 9:40-10:40pm 🤯. I’ve also noticed that if I don’t go to sleep by 10:30-ish that I can easily stay up til midnight or later.
I’m hoping that this data helps me make the most out of my days (the #RiseApp has an option to add events for these phases to your calendar *based on the time you wake up & your sleep for the last week*).
But it’s gratifying to have my instincts confirmed by science.
The #RiseApp said:
Wake time: between 5-6am (that’s my norm from the data)
Morning grogginess: the time after waking as it takes ~90min to wake. Best time to do stuff like workout, drink coffee, read, etc. Just like I already do 🤯
Morning peak: the first of 2 energy peaks, a ~3h stretch that starts around … 10am 🤯
This bread recipe includes screenshots from bread baking app BreadStorm ( The output looks very helpful - especially calculating hydration - but the app is no longer available at the Apple store. Who can recommend a bread or general baking app? And why do you like it?
I see several apps, including Kneady ( and Rise ( Useful?
#Bread #Baking #BreadBaking #App #Cooking #Food #BreadStorm #Kneadly #KneadlyApp #RiseApp
#bread #baking #breadbaking #app #cooking #food #breadstorm #kneadly #kneadlyapp #riseapp