Another fun #Pathfinder session in my #RiseOfTheRunelords campaign. I got to creep out the players as they began to really explore Foxglove Manor after speed running their way to the boss last session.
#pathfinder #riseoftherunelords
Lunch then final preparations to start the Skinsaw Murders for my #RiseOfTheRunelords #Pathfinder group.
#riseoftherunelords #pathfinder
We completed the first module of the #RiseOfTheRunelords campaign, Burnt Offerings, last night. The players are enjoying the #Pathfinder game. There's just enough difference from 3rd ed D&D that I'm still dealing with the learning curve, but everyone is having fun.
We'll be taking a 3-4 week break for various vacations and we'll take an equally long downtime break in the campaign.
That gives me time to finish preparations for my #VampireTheRequiem game.
#riseoftherunelords #pathfinder #vampiretherequiem #vampire #whitewolf #cod #onyxpath
I'll have to start preparing for another #Pathfinder session tomorrow in my #RiseOfTheRunelords campaign.
I keep having to remind myself that when I run a module like this, I have the ultimate say in the world, I don't have to force myself to stick strictly to the book as written.
It's a little invigorating to have that kind of control and it's a good reminder that it's MY game at MY table for MY players, not Paizo or WOTC or anyone else I might be using.
#pathfinder #riseoftherunelords
I've got another session of my #Pathfinder #RiseOfTheRunelords campaign today. I've really enjoyed being a #GM again. It's been a lot of work but a lot of fun and I'm glad I can give my friends a good time.
#pathfinder #riseoftherunelords #gm
PCs were all spelled up to take on the Vampire beast with anti-undead buffs, when shocked instead by the ancient blue dragon who'd been spying on them. Sent them fleeing hard. Round two tonight. Muahahahahaha! #Pathfinder #Surprise! #RiseoftheRunelords #XinShalast
#pathfinder #surprise #riseoftherunelords #xinshalast
De verdad que me gusta #DnD, mirad lo que hice para la finale de #RiseoftheRunelords