J.D. · @deloco
16 followers · 97 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

After many attenpts the lift Wing printed. Only one Wing to go. For soze comparison I included a Wizard.
It‘s 87% of the orogonal size, because it wouldnt fit on my MP Select Mini in 100%. And even in 87% it was quite difficult to place the Wongs on the printbed.
Also, I hat supports. I needed quite a few of them. But it printed. Tomorrow will be ready to be painted.
Then the Characters need to go through the whole Tyranny of Dragons until she will be on the table. But it will be glorious!

#Tiamat #3dprinting #monoprise #dnd #TyrannyOfDragons #riseoftiamat #dnd5e

Last updated 2 years ago

J.D. · @deloco
16 followers · 91 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

Tiamat is nearly ready!
The Wings will take 10 hours each… total printing time around 44 hrs. But it looks amazing and cost me maybe 2€ and some effort to remove the excess plastic. Then I‘ll paint it. Looking forward to painting.
Did I alteady say that I‘m quite happy about going back to model-painting?
I painted BloodBowl and Warhammer Minis until 20 years ago. Then I just stopped and quit the hobby…
Since I started again, I painted several Monsters for my D&D Camapig and I really like the quite relaxation painting Minis gives me.

#painting #minipainting #3dprint #dnd #Tiamat #hotdq #riseoftiamat

Last updated 2 years ago

Israel · @iethatis
39 followers · 129 posts · Server mastodon.art

While I was still playing D&D with the family, I was doing quick little sketches of various monsters and NPCs that we'd print out on 1.75 inch tall tokens. These three , from a themed campaign are my most Christmas-ish.

#riseoftiamat #humblewood

Last updated 2 years ago

Kel, everyday (Pixlfrend) · @Kel
43 followers · 65 posts · Server dice.camp

My needs work!

5 most recently played or run:
2. Yeah, that's all, so modules I guess...

5 games I want to play or run
1. (running soon)
2. (running from January)

#ttrpg #5and5 #dungeonsAndDragons #riseoftiamat #StormKingsThunder #LostMinesOfPhandelver #AliceIsMissing #monsteroftheweek #wanderhome #thequietyear #VampireTheMasquerade

Last updated 2 years ago