Insorgiamo! Tutto quello che c'è da sapere per partecipare al corteo del #22ottobre
#CollettivoFabbricaGKN #riseup4climatejustice #fridays4future #corteo22ottobre #22ottobre
"the climate crisis is not just a climate crisis - it's a colonial crisis and a political crisis!!
In Venedig heißt es #SpotlightOnClimate
Wir müssen JETZT gegen die Klimakatastrophe aktiv werden! Wir sind bei #RiseUp4ClimateJustice und auf dem Weg den roten Teppich des #VeniceFilmFestival2022 zu besetzen 💃
#SpotlightOnClimate #riseup4climatejustice #VeniceFilmFestival2022
"Whose red carpet?
Our red carpet!"
On the way to #VeniceFilmFestival2022 to put the #SpotlightOnClimate!
#VeniceFilmFestival2022 #SpotlightOnClimate #riseup4climatejustice
⛵✊🏼We are in Venice today to support our Italian friends from #RiseUp4ClimateJustice in their struggle against fossil capitalism🔥
We are currently blocking a coal power plant in the Venice lagune ❌
Fossil fuels accelerate the climate crisis and exploit the global south. We are rising up against this capitalist bullshit!
In #Venedig läuft eine Bootsaktion gegen das Kohlekraftwerk in der Lagune.
Grade Venedig ist von Überflutungen betroffen, doch Italien will mehr Kohle verbrennen.
Wir unterstützen die Genoss*innen von,, & #RiseUp4ClimateJustice
#venedig #riseup4climatejustice
Activists of #riseup4climatejustice are trying to enter the MiCo to interrupt the final press conference of #PreCOP26. They have been violently blocked by the police, and are now trying to find an other way to enter the MiCo.
#2october #Milan #ClimateJustice
#ClimateJustice #milan #2october #precop26 #riseup4climatejustice
Assemblea verso la “Carovana Ambientale per la Salute dei Territori” #CarovanaAmbientaleperlaSalutedeiTerritori #RiseUp4ClimateJustice #post
#post #riseup4climatejustice #CarovanaAmbientaleperlaSalutedeiTerritori
Assemblea verso la “Carovana Ambientale per la Salute dei Territori” #CarovanaAmbientaleperlaSalutedeiTerritori #RiseUp4ClimateJustice #post
#post #riseup4climatejustice #CarovanaAmbientaleperlaSalutedeiTerritori
“No alla vendetta di Eni”, blitz in solidarietà al cs Rivolta di Marghera #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #RiseUp4ClimateJustice #UTR-Ecologiapolitica #untiltherevolution #VeniceClimateCamp #AcabnewsBologna #saperinaviganti #Corpiepoteri #raffineria #Attualità #Movimenti #csrivolta #marghera #Cronaca #rivolta #clima #crash #labas #cua #eni #tpo
#benicomuni #riseup4climatejustice #utr #untiltherevolution #veniceclimatecamp #acabnewsbologna #saperinaviganti #corpiepoteri #raffineria #attualità #movimenti #csrivolta #marghera #cronaca #rivolta #clima #crash #labas #cua #eni #tpo