Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1472 followers · 3020 posts · Server zirk.us

Is today the day when the problem will finally be laid to rest?

Speculation over the weekend that has neutered at least some of the resistance from the DUP & ERG factions, would suggest it will... but there's many a slip twixt cup & lip.

Equally, while this will be good to have finally sorted out (leaving various mendacious steps behind) its not a silver bullet for the UK's ongoing problems.

It was always more a symptom than a cause.

#northernirelandprotocol #rishsunakpm #economic

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1033 followers · 1537 posts · Server zirk.us


- @UKLabour are on the side of their 'union paymasters' = is speaking for normal folk who work in the ....

- and I'm on the side of 'patients' = I'm on the side of my private paymasters waiting to treat those

After over a decade it is clear across a range of data that... THE IS NOT SAFE IN TORY HANDS!!!!

We are running out of time to stop the wreckers!

#pmqs #rishisunalpm #keirstarmer #publicsector #rishsunakpm #healthcare #patients #nhs

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
946 followers · 1407 posts · Server zirk.us

If you think politics is a thing of the past, ponder this:

has seriously considered (but for now seems to have drawn back from) banning certain from joining unions; which is essentially a ban on 'collective action'.

Now look at - an entire industry whose bedrock is various forms of investors' collective action; from fractional shareholding to investment trusts, all of which is incentivised by the system.

is here & comes from above

#class #rishsunakpm #workers #financialservices #tax #classwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
878 followers · 1243 posts · Server zirk.us

Although James Callaghan actually never said 'Crisis what crisis' it was generally accepted as a reasonable paraphrase & did him a lot of damage at time... so perhaps 's similar declaration, will haunt him in a way that will look quite familiar to those of us who lived through an earlier ?

#election #rishsunakpm #winterofdiscontent

Last updated 2 years ago