@breadandcircuses Seen this?
My instinct is we'll leave it until they're literally drowning and then treat them with the same absence of humanity as the refugees who are *already* drowning.
#RisingOceans #RefugeesWelcome #NoOneIsIllegal #ClimateCatastrophe #Inequality #ClimateJustice #Anthropocene #EveryHumanMatters
#everyhumanmatters #anthropocene #climatejustice #inequality #climatecatastrophe #nooneisillegal #refugeeswelcome #risingoceans
AP News: How coconuts protect the Jersey Shore, other eroding coasts
#climatechange #risingoceans #environment #beacherosion
As a #Californian, I feel compelled to mention that the extreme #weather we're experiencing here and around the world is not “the new normal”.
In reality, though this is the most extreme weather we've experienced in generations, it's likely to be the best weather we can expect for generations to follow us.
The “new normal”? We should be so lucky.
#climate #globalWarming #tornados #flooding #hurricanes #risingOceans #science
#californian #weather #climate #globalwarming #tornados #flooding #hurricanes #risingoceans #science