If Ublue, Ultramarine and RisiOS are still necessary (without dissing their efforts btw) Fedora has some way to go. They all provide elementary additions to make Fedora the house you want to live in. Adjust your fstab etc. Cannot see how a newbie could fix that, it is certainly not the go-to distro for newcomers. Still it is the one that brings Linux further in the underlying tech.
#fedora_38 #risios #UltramarineLinux
#fedora_38 #risios #ultramarinelinux
#risiOS: The Unconventional Approach to #Fedora #Linux :linux:
I finally cleaned up and organized my desk with the addition of a mini fridge for soda and replaced my desktop with a Intel Mac mini running #risios because the computer I had is now a dedicated gaming PC running #HoloISO so I play with #steamos while waiting for my #SteamDeck. So I can isolate my gaming from productivity work
#risios #HoloISO #steamos #SteamDeck