✅ Supporting #RiskCommunication, #CommunityEngagement and #InfodemicManagement (RCCE-IM) planning for health emergencies in the Western Balkans.
👉 Evidence-based RCCE-IM is crucial to effective health emergency response, which protects health and saves lives.
#WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub #WHE #RCCE #IM #UnitedActionForBetterHealth
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #infodemicmanagement #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #whe #rcce #im #unitedactionforbetterhealth
▶️ Such a great opportunity to have joined and talked about #RiskCommunication, #CommunityEngagement and #InfodemicManagement in the framework of #CommunityProtection in World Health Organization's first respiratory pathogen pandemic preparedness meeting in #Istanbul 🇹🇷
#WHO #WHOEurope #WHEBalkanHub
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #infodemicmanagement #communityprotection #istanbul #who #whoeurope #whebalkanhub #unitedactionforbetterhealth
My purpose-driven independent consultancy practice that is just a phone call, text, dm, flight, car ride, etc. away when a cause, community or organization finds themselves in the middle of a crisis, emergency or disaster, and does not know where to even begin in confronting and handling it all, and who to turn to for crisis communications support and guidance, is launching in two days on 05/29/2023.
#RanyLCrisisComms #rlcrisiscomms #crisiscommunication #riskcommunication #litigationPR
#ranylcrisiscomms #rlcrisiscomms #crisiscommunication #riskcommunication #litigationpr
Supporting health authorities in Republika Srpska with #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement planning for a post-COVID Europe, to ensure that they are better prepared and able to respond to future #emergencies in this core emergency #capacity.
#WHEBalkanHub #WesternBalkans #ProudToBeWHO #RCCE #InfodemicManagement #Preparedness #CapacityBuilding
#riskcommunication #communityengagement #emergencies #capacity #whebalkanhub #WesternBalkans #proudtobewho #rcce #infodemicmanagement #preparedness #capacitybuilding
Participants expanded their skills for communicating #science and learned key practical insights on the application of #riskcommunication and #communityengagement principles to media reporting as an important tool of a successful response to public health #emergencies and #crisis.
#science #riskcommunication #communityengagement #emergencies #crisis
Supporting Albanian health authorities to strengthen the country’s #emergency #preparedness and #response, including #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement capacities and activities for #PublicHealth emergencies.
#emergency #preparedness #response #riskcommunication #communityengagement #publichealth #whebalkanhub #healthforall #rcce #proudtobewho
Good morning everyone! This is @Fara_Katiuscia and I am thrilled to be this week host on @DisastersRadix - I will be sharing all things #DRR and focus a bit more on #NoNaturalDisasters, #Vulnerability and #RiskCommunication
#drr #nonaturaldisasters #vulnerability #riskcommunication
Experts in how we think about risk and how we can best communicate risk to people who need that information assemble to deliver a snapshot of best practices on the operational level, information relevant to scientists, clinicians, pubic health administrators etc.
(We know a lot, far more than is routinely employed in engineering our communciations for evidence-based best effects.)
Useful smorgasbord for those with institutional access.
Learn more from #WHO Regional Office for Europe's newly-published implementation guidance: “Advancing #InfodemicManagement in #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement in the WHO European Region” 👉 bit.ly/3tZONDV #ProudToBeWHO #WHEBalkanHub #WHOMontenegro #RCCE #digitalhealth #HealthLiteracy #HealthInformation #preparedness 4/4
#who #infodemicmanagement #riskcommunication #communityengagement #proudtobewho #whebalkanhub #whomontenegro #rcce #digitalhealth #healthliteracy #healthinformation #preparedness
Learn more from #WHO Regional Office for Europe's newly-published implementation guidance: “Advancing #InfodemicManagement in #RiskCommunication and #CommunityEngagement in the WHO European Region” 👉 bit.ly/3tZONDV
#ProudToBeWHO #WHEBalkanHub #WHOMontenegro #RCCE #digitalhealth #HealthLiteracy #HealthInformation #preparedness
#who #infodemicmanagement #riskcommunication #communityengagement #proudtobewho #whebalkanhub #whomontenegro #rcce #digitalhealth #healthliteracy #healthinformation #preparedness
Hi everyone! I'm a #behavioralscientist with background in #psychology currently working at the Department of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) after several years working in the UK.
I'm interested in how people make #judgments and #decisions and on ways of improving #riskcommunication and #sciencecommunication to support better decisions about #health and the #environment
Enjoying Mastodon so far!
#environment #health #sciencecommunication #riskcommunication #decisions #judgments #psychology #behavioralscientist #introduction