Today's #RiskReduction number:
A 43% reduction in #CancerDeaths.
From a study of up to 38 years follow-up on #MetabolicSurgery published this week in #Obesity.
#riskreduction #cancerdeaths #metabolicsurgery #obesity
For those with an interest...
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #emergencplanning
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #emergencplanning
Food for thought...the article focuses on the Houston area, but the broader topics are applicable for communities across the country.
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #flooding
#emergencymanagement #hazardmitigation #riskreduction #flooding
The Global Animal Disaster Management Conference will be held online from 28-31 July 2023 and is now open for registration
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
Don’t miss @bengraeler talk about collaborative models for improving climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Today, 1:30 - 3:00pm. GKI Session 5. #gwf2023 #DIRECTED #codesign #riskreduction #climateservices #livinglabs
#gwf2023 #directed #codesign #riskreduction #climateservices #LivingLabs
"Designing Inclusive, Accessible Early Warning Systems: Good Practices and Entry Points"
By Rebekah Yore, Carina Fearnley, Maureen Fordham, and Ilan Kelman.
#pwd #pwds #didrr #inclusivity #intersectionality #EWS #WarningSystems #Warning #Warnings #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterWarning #EarlyWarning #EarlyWarningSystems #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters
#pwd #pwds #didrr #inclusivity #intersectionality #ews #warningsystems #warning #warnings #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterwarning #earlywarning #earlywarningsystems #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters
Working with many small, often rural communities has led to me to ponder similar questions.
Interesting ideas ripe for pushing a necessary conversation forward.
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning
#risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
#emergencymanagement #emergencymanager #preparedness #emergencyplanning #risk #riskreduction #hazardmitigation
Just published:
"Systemic #risks perspectives of #Eyjafjallajökull #volcano's 2010 eruption"
#Iceland #VolcanicAsh #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement
#risks #eyjafjallajokull #volcano #iceland #volcanicash #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement
Kudos for looking at #flood #hazardmitigation as part of a larger infrastructure, and I'm very glad to see an emphasis on nature-based solutions.
But phases like "...bend it (water) our will" concern me.
#flood #hazardmitigation #emergencymanagement #greeninfrastructure #riskreduction
And as some regions are sweltering under #heatwaves, other experience unusually heavy #precipitation - as we walk into a future of #extremeweather land use planning, #preparedness, #riskreduction etc need to take this into account - the past is no longer a key to the future
RT @molinostewart
"Queenslanders isolated by #flood water in the Gulf of Carpentaria for the past three months are bracing for even more heavy #rain this week…
#heatwaves #precipitation #extremeweather #preparedness #riskreduction #flood #rain
"The Relationship between Climate Change and Disasters"
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ClimateAdaptation #Adaptation #Climate #ClimateChange
#SDGs #GlobalGoals #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #ParisAgreement #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #cca #climatechangeadaptation #climateadaptation #adaptation #climate #ClimateChange #sdgs #GlobalGoals #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #parisagreement #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
"Disasters are not natural - but don't blame #ClimateChange" #webinar
Thanks to @ggioli
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ClimateAdaptation #Adaptation #Climate
#SDGs #GlobalGoals #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #ParisAgreement #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#ClimateChange #webinar #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #cca #climatechangeadaptation #climateadaptation #adaptation #climate #sdgs #GlobalGoals #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #parisagreement #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
Reading this humbling book called "The Smartest Person in the Room" by Christian Espinosa. If you're in #cybersecurity especially a manager/director, you should read this book with an #OpenMind and #ZeroEgo. Wanted to share a snippet with you about maximizing #RiskReduction without a 100-item check list. #KeepITSimple #MakeITSecure #ZeroEgo :cyber_heart:
#cybersecurity #openmind #zeroego #riskreduction #keepitsimple #makeitsecure
"Are we psychologically ready for power outages? The #squirrel factor."
#DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #blackout #blackouts #poweroutage #poweroutages
#squirrel #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #blackout #blackouts #poweroutage #poweroutages
I contributed to "The #Climate Question" from BBC World Service / BBC News for "Can we reduce lives lost from extreme #weather?"
Thank you to the entire team!
#DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ClimateAdaptation #Adaptation #Climate #ClimateChange #NoNaturalDisasters #DisastersAreNotNatural
#climate #weather #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #cca #climatechangeadaptation #climateadaptation #adaptation #ClimateChange #nonaturaldisasters #DisastersAreNotNatural
For programmes and textbooks integrating #risk-related physical and social sciences, see:
1. #Climate
2. #Weather
#DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #CCA #ClimateChangeAdaptation #ClimateAdaptation #Adaptation #Climate #ClimateChange
#risk #climate #weather #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #cca #climatechangeadaptation #climateadaptation #adaptation #ClimateChange
"Climate Change Or Choice? What Causes Disasters?"
#DisastersAreNotNatural #NoNaturalDisasters (so we avoid the phrases #NaturalDisaster #NaturalDisasters) #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #RiskReduction #DisasterRiskManagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR
#CCA #ClimateAdaptation #ClimateChange #climate #adaptation
#podcast #DisastersAreNotNatural #nonaturaldisasters #naturalDisaster #naturaldisasters #DRR #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterRisk #riskreduction #disasterriskmanagement #disaster #disasters #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #cca #climateadaptation #ClimateChange #climate #adaptation
Here's your final call to sign up for today's web presentation, "Fentanyl at Night: Save More Lives."
#OverdosePrevention #NighttimeEconomy #Bars #Restaurants #Clubs #Fentanyl #Narcan #HarmReduction #RiskReduction
#riskreduction #harmreduction #narcan #fentanyl #clubs #restaurants #bars #nighttimeeconomy #overdoseprevention
RT @sig_mag: Consumatori ed europarlamentari criticano la Strategia sanitaria globale della Commissione europea @LandlMichael @vapers_alliance @giannagancia #ecigarettes #riskreduction #harmreduction
#ecigarettes #riskreduction #harmreduction
Yes, I am on Apple Podcasts with 26 episodes of 24 Minutes. 24 Minutes offers 24-hour city insights, innovations and adventures provided by international thought leaders.
#podcasts #podcast #NighttimeEconomy #nightlife #PublicSafety #inclusion #diversity #innovation #research #24HourNation #24Minutes #ThoughtLeadership #leaders #international #bars #restaurants #hotels #music #venues #festivals #theatre #dance #EDM #RiskReduction #NighttimeGovernance #ApplePodcasts
#ApplePodcasts #nighttimegovernance #riskreduction #edm #dance #theatre #festivals #venues #Music #Hotels #restaurants #bars #international #Leaders #thoughtleadership #24minutes #24hournation #Research #innovation #diversity #Inclusion #publicsafety #nightlife #nighttimeeconomy #Podcast #Podcasts