#RPGaDay2023 Complex & Simple RPG you play
Simple: #RISUS. I never GMd it as my GMing style is very gamist, but a friend loves to GM it and I do enjoy playing it.
Complex: #CitiesWithoutNumber. The basic procedures are simple, it's B/X (d20) combat and Traveller (2d6) skills. But it's a #CyberPunk setting, which means lots of moving parts for hacking, gunmodding, vehicle tuning, cyberware, etcetera, and everything together is a lot to grok.
#rpgaday2023 #risus #CitiesWithoutNumber #cyberpunk #ttrpg
This is finally starting to come together. Plotting this out has got us much closer to a Playtest.
#Dabo #PbtA #Fate #Risus #Munchkin #Fantasy #Anime #Adventure #DungeonDive #SpeedRun #Cliche #Trope #GameDesign #TTRPG #Playtest
#dabo #pbta #fate #risus #munchkin #fantasy #anime #adventure #DungeonDive #speedrun #cliche #trope #gamedesign #ttrpg #playtest
My #DnD group is taking July off from campaigns since summer gets busy. So I'm running a #OneShot adventure using the #Risus system tonight. It's an adventure I've run before, and honestly, it's some of the best writing I've ever seen in a one-off adventure. I'm pretty excited, it's been a long time since I've run a #TTRPG game for anyone other than my family.
#Risus does exactly what I need it to do for the game hack I am running this weekend. No reason to reinvent the wheel here. I've always wanted to play it, and now I have an excuse!
My round of the #UnderHillByWater #cozy #Hobbit game this weekend just got a LOT easier to prepare.
#risus #underhillbywater #cozy #hobbit
Had an idea for a sci-fi scenario for #SevenHillsRPGConvention where the PCs have to infiltrate a space station prison to break out a prisoner or, at least, obtain the location of a cache of ill-gotten gains (called Loose Change to fit the theme).
Immediately thought of #SavageWorlds but then @SJohnRoss' #Risus popped into my head. Could even have character generation by the players before the game. I haven't run Risus before but it's only a 4 page PDF so can't be that hard. #TTRPG #RPG
#SevenHillsRPGConvention #savageworlds #risus #ttrpg #rpg
The first thing to know about the CHEATS System is that it's not just another gaming system. It's so much less than that!
I've used it with several different dice resolution schemes. I will tinker with that forever.
It is pretentiously and aggressively backronymed from its PC building blocks:
It is influenced by everything I've ever read but specifically by #Risus #BladesInTheDark #HarmonyDrive and #MiniBX .
#risus #bladesinthedark #harmonydrive #MiniBX #cheatssystem #ttrpg #ttrpgDesign
@unboxedcereal @DarrinLRogers
I would offer the examples of Risus and PDQ# for games that are _very_ quick to learn.
I had an occasion when I was going to game-master a science fiction one-session game, and there was no suitable system known to everyone at the table.
Someone suggested Risus, and handed me the rules. I read it and agreed to go for it, completely new to the system. I had no trouble translating NPCs to the system on the fly.
#Risus #PDQ #RulesLight
#ttrpgs that speak to me:
And most recently, #Risus
#risus #SpaceMaster #rolemaster #runequest #cyberpunk #vampirethemasquerade #Talislanta #Harn #marvelsuperheroesrpg #overtheedge #villainsandvigilantes #traveller #starwarsrpg #herosystem #morrowproject #gurps #ttrpgs
#ttrpgs that speak to me:
And most recently, #Risus
#risus #SpaceMaster #rolemaster #runequest #cyberpunk #vampirethemasquerade #Talislanta #Harn #marvelsuperheroesrpg #overtheedge #villainsandvigilantes #traveller #starwarsrpg #herosystem #morrowproject #gurps #ttrpgs
#7TTRPGs | #7RPGs
1. D&D/#DnD 1e (got me hooked)
2. D&D 2e (kept me playing for over 15 years)
3. #GURPS 4e (has a great classless a-la-cart approach to character design)
4. #Pathfinder 1e (is a great d20 based system)
5. Lasers & Feelings (has a horrible name, but as I get older I really appreciate the idea of a 1 page RPG)
6. #Risus (is a simple system that uses a few "cliches" rather than classes and skills)
7. #Troika (is a fun system based on #FightingFantasy
#7ttrpgs #7rpgs #gurps #pathfinder #risus #troika #FightingFantasy
@Morgunin Ha, Palladium Fantasy was the first #ttrpg I ever played and GMed. And a lot of long campaigns in RIFTS. Many fond memories.
Wouldn't touch its horribly broken rules with a 10-ft-pole anymore, though. ;)
I think the 7 rpgs that had the most impact on me from then to now are:
#Palladium / #RIFTS
#DnD and #d20Modern
#7th Sea
#MarvelUniverse (the diceless one)
#ttrpg #palladium #Rifts #dnd #D20Modern #7th #MarvelUniverse #risus #fate #TheBlackHack
Game systems I'm into:
#GURPS #CarWars #Risus #MorrowProject #MarvelSuperheroes #Talislanta #Runequest #Rolemaster #Spacemaster #Traveller #OverTheEdge #Cyberpunk2020 #Champions #HeroSystem
Currently I'm reading up on Risus. It looks like fun, rules-lite system.
#herosystem #champions #cyberpunk2020 #overtheedge #traveller #SpaceMaster #rolemaster #runequest #Talislanta #marvelsuperheroes #morrowproject #risus #carwars #gurps #gaming #ttrpgs
@andrew0ak I’m going to second Risus. Another game that’s almost as simply is PDQ.
Then there are several games that have a single stat like, “lasers and feeling”, “3:16”, or “Cthulhu Dark”.
“The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen” isn’t a rpg but it’s a great tall tale story telling game, fun to do with friends and a drinks.
en cherchant un système générique simple de #jdr, je suis tombé sur #risus (vf : https://rouboudou.itch.io/risus) et je suis agréablement surpris par sa lecture : des clichés pour caractériser le personnage, 3 systèmes de résolution (seuil de difficulté, opposition en plusieurs tours, opposition simple), un système de fatigue au poil. bref, il n'y a plus qu'à tester !
@JohnWillson alternately, basically do #Risus, but the rating is number of coins to flip, and set # of heads they need to succeed (3 would v. hard I think)
@fotonurth Honestly, #Risus ... My last several long-term fantasy campaign used #RisusRPG and the magic always flowed so nicely. But laying my own stuff ASIDE, I love #ArsMagica and #GURPS and #MageTheAscension and #BESM 2nd Edition for magic, too,
#risus #RisusRPG #arsmagica #gurps #magetheascension #BESM
Very pleased to welcome @SJohnRoss to the fedi. Excuse me for gushing but this is the celebrity account here I never knew I wanted ☺