📺 🇦🇺 Hate to be the sharer of #hate, but here it is:
#American-born former Muslim #Islamophobe, #RitaPanahi carries water for the fascist bigots @ #NewsCorp with this segment on "Full Woke" candy on #InternationalWomensDay @ #SkyNews #Australia.
Comments (so far) are all people who a) say Hershey's is for-chit chocolate or (and mostly) giving this bigotry a big thumbs up.
I think think it's important to call #hate out where/when we see it. It's #war, and it's global. https://youtu.be/suilBrrz0KU
#War #Australia #skynews #InternationalWomensDay #newscorp #ritapanahi #islamophobe #american #hate
RT @JayJay91341991@twitter.com
Rita Poonani- Murdoch’s resident looney and major sell out to all women.
A Sky News presstitute who continues to be triggered by the beautiful and powerful Meghan and Harry.
#MurdochGutterMedia #auspol @SkyNewsAust@twitter.com #MeghanMarkIe #MeghanandHarryNetflix #RitaPanahi
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JayJay91341991/status/1604438824251031552
#murdochguttermedia #auspol #meghanmarkie #meghanandharrynetflix #ritapanahi