Interesting article about #FrankOcean at #Coachella and the mass production approach of some groups like Blackpink and performances including DJ sets. -> @timjonesbooks
Music festivals are a great place for some people to discover new music & I'm enjoying the livestreams. For in person attendees it seems to be a dance party and an experience, almost a #RiteOfPassage
For performers the experience is more mixed. The bigger the listing, the higher the expectations.
#frankocean #coachella #riteofpassage
Klein Hundorf, Mecklenburg, Northern Germany
Guided by Manuela Bosch
3rd till 12th of July, 2023
Registration closes by 21st of March
Visit our home in the web and find out more:
#naturetimeΒ #solotimeΒ #fastingΒ #riteofpassageΒ #visionssucheΒ #visionquestΒ #thresholdΒ #primalnature
#naturetime #solotime #fasting #riteofpassage #visionssuche #visionquest #threshold #primalnature
RT @Heather_Toast
Whatever we call these horrible years of coerced extended childhood, there is nothing normal, natural, or healthy about them.
#adolescence #teens #teenager #youth #adults #adulthood #xp #childhood #RiteOfPassage #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults
#adults #childhood #riteofpassage #teens #adulthood #xp #adolescence #teenager #youth #StopTheHysteria #RespectYoungAdults
Well I officially hate shopping for cars. Since I just got my G2 my family and I agreed that it's time I get my own vehicle since I work out of town. Don't you just love it when you see a car that catches your eye but then it's sold before you can go check it out and test drive it to make a decision?
It's like the start of the Hunger Games, good God how quick do you have to be when you have a life? #cars #riteofpassage
That moment when you drive around your neighbourhood alone for the first time and are talking to yourself in the car so you can stay focused on what's around you.
Like: "Okay we reverse in this direction, turn signal, no one coming, turn left, the speed limit is 50km, nice and easy, okay let's go around these parked cars, etc."
It sounds weird but it helps as a new driver, pretty soon years later I'll just be giving myself those instructions in my head. #drivinglife #riteofpassage
Psychogeography at the threshold of desire: Andrei Tarkovsky's sublime STALKER (1979) is on #BFIPlayer from today
#SciFi #SpiritualQuest #RiteOfPassage
#BFIPlayer #SciFi #spiritualquest #riteofpassage
The characters are fully realized. The tropes of the genre are respected, but critically examined. The pace is fast moving, the action interesting, the technology appropriately awe-inspiring, and the humanity of the characters evident.
How do you rate the absolute pinnacle of a series, the Heinlein Juvenile, that doesn't belong to the series? I rate it highly. /FIN
The character's progress from annoying misfit to engaged member of her authoritarian polity, told in the first person in the guise of a memoir of her Trial, is engaging and thoughtful. The book is steeped in the overpopulation issues of the 60's, but the ecological collapses brought on by various forms of fundamentalism, economical and religious, still resonate today. /3
Respectful to the genre while sometimes savagely and subtly commenting on it, Panshin has written the story of a young woman who is the daughter of the administrator of starship made of a miles-wide asteroid as she faces her rite of passage, her Trial. /2
My #BookReview of #RiteOfPassage by #AlexeiPanshin:
One of the cornerstones of 1950's SF was the Heinlein Juvenile, a series of a dozen young adult science fiction coming-of-age novels written by Robert Heinlein. Authors who grew up on them have attempted to reproduce them, since. None but Panshin have gotten it exactly right. /1
#bookreview #riteofpassage #AlexeiPanshin
#HitchhikersGuide #DouglasAdamsβ
#Shannara #MagicKingdom #TerryBrooksβ
#Inheritance #ChristopherPaoliniβ
#ButcherBird #RichardKadreyβ
#TheExpanse #JamesSACoreyβ
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshinβ
#LockeAndKey #JoeHillβ
#Saga #BrianKVaughanβ
#HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullmanβ
#1984 #GeorgeOrwellβ
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngleβ
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinleinβ
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradburyβ
#WatershipDown #RichardAdamsβ
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #butcherbird #richardkadrey #theexpanse #jamessacorey #riteofpassage #alexeipanshin #LockeAndKey #joehill #saga #briankvaughan #hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #georgeorwell #awrinkleintime #madeleinelengle #strangerinastrangeland #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #watershipdown #richardadams
@LexiVickyN I was originally from a UK colonial country and it was sort of a #riteOfPassage in your preteens or early teens to see the latest #JamesBond #film. The film you saw defined your age/era.
I was underage as it was an R13 (restricted to 13 & over) so I convinced my #grandmother to take me to see #LiveAndLetDie .
I don't think that she really knew what the film was about, but hey, that is what grandmother's are for. Right?
#riteofpassage #jamesbond #film #grandmother #LiveAndLetDie