TheOnion: Northwestern Fans Hopeful Hazing Scandal Means School Finally Getting Serious About Football #northwesternwildcats #ritesofpassage #patfitzgerald #calebeakins #football #hazing #crimes #sports #abuse
#northwesternwildcats #ritesofpassage #patfitzgerald #calebeakins #football #hazing #crimes #sports #abuse
TheOnion: Overreacting College Bans Fraternity Even Though Pledge Didn’t Die #northamericaninterfraternityconference #ritesofpassage #billywright #betathetapi #pledge #crimes #hazing #abuse
#northamericaninterfraternityconference #ritesofpassage #billywright #betathetapi #pledge #crimes #hazing #abuse
Norky’s rambles: safety in numbers. This week, Norky muses on group identity, achieved by the wearing of uniforms and by undergoing sometimes funny, sometimes unpleasant, rites of passage | Peter Norcliffe
#Bylines #Yorkshire #RitesOfPassage
#bylines #yorkshire #ritesofpassage
This books is absolutely changing my life as a budding PhD. It's confirmed some of my own thinking on rites, rituals, and liturgical theology, while challenging me in other areas, as well as educating me. Once in a while a book comes along that realigns one's life & educational pursuits, and this one is mine. (click pic for full view)
#ritesandrituals #ritesofpassage #academicchat #religiousstudies #ritualstudies #ronaldlgrimes #phdlife #bookrecommendation
#ritesofpassage #academicchat #religiousstudies #ritualstudies #ronaldlgrimes #phdlife #bookrecommendation #ritesandrituals
Reading Ronald L. Grimes's "Deeply into the Bone" & this struck me as illuminating one problem we may face in #christiannationalism's appeal to youth. I've been writing on how #nationalisms become #ritesofpassage for men. I pinned a related poll above.
#phdlife #academicchatter #whitechristiannationalism #religiousstudies #mensstudies
#christiannationalism #Nationalisms #ritesofpassage #phdlife #academicchatter #WhiteChristianNationalism #religiousstudies #mensstudies
Within my PhD work I've become intrigued by rites of passage, which demarcate childhood from adulthood.
Question: Did you undergo a rite of passage that clearly marked the transition from childhood to adulthood?
I'd love you to comment below about these experiences.
#ritesofpassage #religiousstudies #ufo #uap #ritualstudies
Instant recollection of the elementary school music teacher who wrote this in my “yearbook.”
We sixth graders decided to create a yearbook to mark our pending passage to junior high school. We were separated into 3 different schools geographically, and many of us never saw each other again.
#memories #school #ritesofpassage
#Rites of passage are not as #occult and #weird as one could thought by the first impression but they are present in every society in all times. Rites of passage are a #transformation from one state to another, leaving one group, entering another.
The three stages are #seperation, #liminality, #incorporation.
In a #pagan perspective it is in my opinion worth to think about it what contemporary rites of passage are and how they are performed for example the life cycle.
#ritesofpassage #rites #occult #weird #transformation #seperation #liminality #incorporation #pagan
I am sitting in the remnants of a lately deceased relatives life and have to think, not for the first time the last days about #RitesOfPassage, what remains of us when we left to the #SunlessRealms and how the relatives handle it.
Maybe I should make a series of toots about #rites and #myths of passage.
Underneath pictures from the dissolving sale of the appartment.
#ritesofpassage #SunlessRealms #rites #myths #pagan #death
@nikkibuschedit Thx. Nikki, I'm using this story to look at embracing death as we age. I've fictionalised #ritesofpassage - hope it works.
Happy to see that Helix Editor will be keeping the arrow keys in insert mode in the next release.
Might sound like a tiny thing but I feel it is an important decision that signals a desire to keep the culture of the project open and welcoming to new folks without introducing rites of passage.
#culture #ritesofpassage #dev #HelixEditor