Went for a wander at sunset. My fave time of day. #Launceston #Riverbend #Sunset
#launceston #riverbend #sunset
At What Scales Does A River Meander? Scale-Specific Sinuosity (S3) Metric For Quantifying Stream Meander Size Distribution
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108734 <-- shared paper
• Scale-specific sinuosity (S3) summarizes bend sizes of linear features and associated contributions to sinuosity across a range of scales.
• The S3 plot is analogous to a frequency histogram of bend sizes, like a fingerprint or a spectral signature
• The S3 is an easily computed metric to assess influential scales in bend patterns of linear stream features
• The paper formalizes a relation between sinuosity and fractal dimension..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #multiscale #water #hydrography #streamgeometry #meanderpattern #meander #fractaldimension #sinuosity #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #bends #distribution #S3 #fractals #geometry #landscape #geomorphology #geomorphometry #prediction #spatialanalysis #coast #coastal #automatedanalysis #riverbend #appliedscience
#gis #spatial #mapping #multiscale #water #hydrography #streamgeometry #meanderpattern #meander #fractaldimension #sinuosity #model #modeling #spatialanalysis #bends #s3 #fractals #geometry #landscape #geomorphology #geomorphometry #prediction #automatedanalysis #riverbend #appliedscience #distribution #coast #coastal
Found this piece of #Riverbend #history during my trip to Glen Carbon, #illinois earlier today.
The mall - as small as it was, with no more than 20 stores and a 2-screen theater - was demoed in the late 2000s. Initially green space, Walmart later expanded into a supercenter on the mall’s footprint between late 2012 and August 2013. #deadmalls
#riverbend #history #illinois #deadmalls