Just saw a Tik Tok clip from Emmett Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas that reminded me how I always liked The Riverbottom Nightmare Band the best even though they were the “Villains.” They rocked. #Muppets #JimHensen #EmmettOtter #RiverbottomNightmareBand
#muppets #jimhensen #emmettotter #riverbottomnightmareband
Next up in our Christmas movie marathon: A story of crippling animal poverty. And family. Mostly poverty, but also family.
#EmmetOttersJugBandChristmas #Christmas #ChristmasMovies #RiverBottomNightmareBand
#riverbottomnightmareband #ChristmasMovies #Christmas #emmetottersjugbandchristmas
Next up in our Christmas movie marathon: A story of crippling animal poverty. And family. Mostly poverty, but also family.
#EmmetOttersJugBandChristmas #Christmas #ChristmasMovies #RiverBottomNightmareBand
#riverbottomnightmareband #ChristmasMovies #Christmas #emmetottersjugbandchristmas
It’s almost time for the greatest holiday special of them all
#Christmas #Muppets #JimHenson #EmmetOtter #JugBand #Holidays #RiverbottomNightmareBand
#christmas #muppets #jimhenson #emmetotter #jugband #holidays #riverbottomnightmareband