On my early morning walks the last couple of days I've noticed that this part of the #RiverEsk seems to have a new visitor...
#Musselburgh #EastLothian #BirdsOfMastodon
#birdsofmastodon #eastlothian #Musselburgh #riveresk
Mushroom Forest.
This was from a walk along the #riveresk here in #musselburgh last night. I bet they are loving this weather!
Popped along to Eskmills Venue to see the exhibition for #Musselburgh's Flood Protection scheme being put forward by #EastLothian Council. The 3D animation fly-through of the design was a useful visualisation aid. Inevitably it will change the beautiful walks along the #RiverEsk , esp. with the 1m(+) walls being proposed & bridges being removed & replaced in slightly different places. But with the #ClimateCrisis feeling more real every day our options now seem limited
#climatecrisis #riveresk #eastlothian #Musselburgh
Last night's heavy rain seems to have brought a number of swans further up the #RiverEsk than they have otherwise ventured this year
#SwanIsland #Musselburgh #EastLothian
#eastlothian #Musselburgh #swanisland #riveresk
Nice to see the swans returning en masse to #Musselburgh over the last couple of days, I counted around sixty this morning. The #RiverEsk is a pretty wonderful place to see birds rn; ducklings, goslings and even baby goodanders (whatever they're called). And also these wee things, an impressively large Eider duckling nursery...
From 2018, my mood photo of today is from our walk to Whitby from Robin Hoods Bay, where we were staying. This was one of our first views of Whitby (though we have been there lots of times), iconic.
#Whitby #moodphoto #esk #riveresk #seaside
Hospital yesterday (thankfully just as an outpatient), but today I've already been for a walk in the glorious sunshine. I've always loved the wild flowers #EastLothian council plants at roadsides, but this is the first time I've noticed them at side of the #RiverEsk. Beautiful.
Hunter’s Sty Bridge
The River Esk has a few single-arched bridges, but the best one is probably the Hunter's Sty Bridge. It's located at the bottom of Huntersty, the 'steep path of the hunters,' just past the northern end of Westerdale village.
Hunter's Sty Bridge was most likely built in the late 13th century to provide access to the Royal Forest of Pickering, although some believe t ...
#northyorkmoors #riveresk #westerdale #history #mediaeval