Day off so a quick morning 90 minute, 40km ride up (and down) some local lumps before I get my ears tested. One very small batch of mizzle otherwise nice and dry. #BikeTooter #BikeToot #OrroBikes #OsgarTheOrro #Orro #Cycling #RiverGoyt #River #OutsideIsFree #FromWhereIRide #LoveCycling
#BikeTooter #biketoot #orrobikes #osgartheorro #orro #cycling #rivergoyt #river #outsideisfree #fromwhereiride #lovecycling
Walkers Are Welcome Town - New Mills
New Mills lies on the edge of the Peak District within the High Peak district of Derbyshire. The town is proud of its industrial heritage but is predominantly a rural parish. Our pride and joy is “The Torrs”, a sandstone gorge at the confluence of the rivers Goyt and Sett, featuring the iconic Millennium Walkway.
#WalkersAreWelcome #NewMills #Goyt #RiverSett #Rivergoyt #TheTorrs #PeakDistrict #Walking #Rambling #Gorge
#walkersarewelcome #NewMills #goyt #riversett #rivergoyt #thetorrs #PeakDistrict #walking #rambling #gorge
Walkers are Welcome Town - Disley
Disley sits at the edge of the Peak District, close to Manchester, Stockport & Buxton. Located in varied scenery including the River Goyt valley , Pennine moorland & Peak Forest Canal.
The Gritstone Trail starts at the rail station and Lyme Park (National Trust) is within easy walking distance.
#WalkersAreWelcome #Disley #Cheshire #RiverGoyt #Pennines #LymePark #Stockport #Buxton #Manchester #Walkers #PeakForest #GritstoneTrail
#walkersarewelcome #Disley #Cheshire #rivergoyt #Pennines #lymepark #stockport #Buxton #manchester #walkers #peakforest #gritstonetrail