TomChansky · @TomChansky
17 followers · 9 posts · Server

676: Untitled 10

March 7, 2016

From the Pacific Daydream Years

If you've ever wanted to sit and listen to Rivers play for 15 minutes, this is the track for you. It's a 13:37-long recording of Rivers sketching out some ideas on guitar before switching to piano. The biggest idea is You Don't Have to Be Perfect For Me, a song that gets a few other attempts in the bundle.

Being as long as it is, there's a lot to digest here. But none of it ended up anywhere. Yet.



Last updated 2 years ago

TomChansky · @TomChansky
17 followers · 7 posts · Server

675: These Things That You Do


From the Red-Raditude-Hurley Years

Rivers' vow to stop writing personal songs only lasted a few years. By the time Make Believe rolled around, his songs were autobiographical again. And unlike other albums, where the approach changed with each, that didn't change with Red. The songs under consideration for Weezer's sixth album were also personal and deeply honest...

#Weezer #riversdemoflood

Last updated 2 years ago

TomChansky · @TomChansky
12 followers · 5 posts · Server

674: Bless the Whole Wide World 10



For some reason, when Rivers played BTWWW for the rest of , the band didn't like it. That's puzzling, because it's a good song. And it has a message.

I can see if the song came out in 2001 it might have ruffled some feathers. But even then, at that time, maybe this song has the kind of message we all needed to hear...

#Weezer #riversdemoflood

Last updated 2 years ago