#RPGaDAY2023 Day 31 - Favourite RPG. **DON'T MAKE ME CHOOOOOOOSE!** There are so many, great, great games out there, and they all bring something different. Just this year I've hugely enjoyed #TrophyDark, #Liminal, #YellowKing, #BlueHack, #Numenera, #BlackSwordHack, #Pendragon, #MatronsOfMystery, #OSE, #Mausritter, #OutOfTheAshes, #RiversOfLondon and more. All were fabulous, all were different. So, my favourite RPG is all the RPGs - diversity rules!
#rpgaday2023 #TrophyDark #liminal #YellowKing #BLUEHACK #numenera #blackswordhack #Pendragon #matronsofmystery #ose #Mausritter #OutoftheAshes #riversoflondon
#RPGaDAY2023 25. Unplayed RPGs you own?
Oh, da gibt es einige. Der klassische Pile of Shame wenn man dieses Hobby seit Jahrzehnten betreibt. Ich nenne mal #RiversofLondon , wo ich hoffe, das bald mal ausprobieren zu können. (werde dann hier berichten ;))
Ich möchte eine #CityOfMist Kampagne aufziehen im Vorbild zu #Kohlrabenschwarz mit deutschen Motiven in einer fiktiven deutschen Stadt 🌃 mit mit Ideenanleihen zu #RiversOfLondon und eben der bisherigen Kampagne #Vaesen im Königreich Bayern geben.
Das ganze soll in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2024 starten und würde ich die Kampagne so im Umfang von 10-20 Sitzungen sehen mit einem festen Takt wahrscheinlich 2-wöchig
#cityofmist #kohlrabenschwarz #riversoflondon #vaesen #pnpsuche #pnpde
Tag 10: Lieblingssetting
Nachdem ich The Expanse schon genannt habe, nenne ich mal das jüngste Setting was bei mir dazu gekommen ist, #RiversOfLondon. Das habe ich damals extra zu unserer Runde “Mayfair Lady” soweit drauf geschafft und war wirklich angenehm überrascht.
Ähnlich Kerbe schlägt #Kohlrabenschwarz. Deswegen ist mein noch sehr grober Plan mit #CityOfMist eine freie eigene Kampagne mit deutschen Motive zu machen mit Anleihen zu diesen beiden #UrbanFantasy 😄 #pnpde
#rpgaday2023 #riversoflondon #kohlrabenschwarz #cityofmist #urbanfantasy #pnpde
I am 2 chapters in to the novella (Winters Gift) and am giggling at the interpretation of a UK author of a southern FBI agent driving a rental 4Runner from MSP to Bayfield #Wisconsin in a January blizzard - sorry Aaronovitch, she’d be in the ditch already, her reactions are all wrong for that weather. #RiversOfLondon
As a fan of Ben Aaronovitch's #RiversOfLondon series, I'm disappointed in the Met. Someone should give them *the Look*.
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 3 catchup: First game bought (this year) - "Liminal" by @TheTweedmeister. On the very-back-burner for years I'd had ideas for a game of British police team investigating the occult/magical (after Paul Cornell's "London Falling" and Ben Aaronovitch's "Rivers of London") likely using the #Esoterrorists system (#Gumshoe game by @robindlaws) - and beautiful #LiminalRPG looks tempting for material. (Guess the licensed #RiversOfLondon RPG should get a look too now it's published!)
#rpgaday2023 #esoterrorists #gumshoe #liminalrpg #riversoflondon
Got my copies of #RiversOfLondon Here Be Dragons #1 today, it's real! Thanks to Ben Aaronovitch, Titan Comics, Jose Beroy, Jordi Escuin Llorach, Andrew Cartmel, David M Buisan & V V Glass! 🚁 🐲
Well, I seem to have everything ready, printed and/or in hand for my "core games" at The Kraken.
I just have to ponder the ad hoc stuff to offer earlier in the week and focus on making certain that Fil and I get there!
#riversoflondon #maskwitches #cthulhuhack #ttrpg
These are the games I am currently most interested in discussing/playing, more or less in order.
#callofcthulhu #riversoflondon #symbaroum #deltagreen #Vaesen #travellermg2e #shadowrun #cyphersystem
#thowbackthursday #riversoflondon
So I don’t know how many people do throwback Thursday here (or filthy Friday/smut Sunday - did those ever continue after LJ?)
Anyway, posted almost 9 years ago
More To Remembrance Than Living In The Past.
Memories and thoughts can both be tricky things, ready to ambush you at awkward moments when you least expect it. Peter deals with things by not actually dealing with it at all and wonders what Nightingale does.
#thowbackthursday #riversoflondon
New blog: Issue #1 of Here Be Dragons, my new comicbook from Titan Comics, based on Ben Aaronovitch's #RiversOfLondon series is out now!
Read more about it here: https://jswallow.com/rivers-of-london-here-be-dragons-1-out-now/
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
I got the new Rivers of London rpg for my birthday this year and it’s freakin’ awesome.
I’m doing a while-I-read thread on it over at rpg.net https://forum.rpg.net/index.php?threads/wir-rivers-of-london.912120/
#riversoflondon #ttrpg #chaosium
I’ve done a general #introduction post, but now for a fandom one - fandom past and present I’ve written in & main ships
#torchwood - #Jack/Ianto #Jack/Owen #Ianto/Owen #Jack/Ianto/Owen, John/Andy Ianto/Andy, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh
#primeval - #Nick/Stephen, #Ryan/Becker
#DoctorWho 8th Doctor/Fitz, 9th/Rose, 9th/jack,
#BeingHuman - gen or torchwood crossover as Tom/Andy
#RiversOfLondon - gen/case fic but with hints of Nightingale/Peter
#JonathanStrangeAndMrNorrell - Norrell/Childermass
#introduction #torchwood #jack #ianto #primeval #nick #ryan #doctorwho #beinghuman #riversoflondon #jonathanstrangeandmrnorrell
이, 이 룰 뭐야 2022년에 릴리즈된 따끈따끈한 룰이야
그러니 사람이 없고 들어본적도 없었구나
암튼 그래서 rivers of London하는 사람 모이면 저 잊지말고 불러주세요
#RiversofLondon #Rivers_of_London #리버즈오브런던
#riversoflondon #rivers_of_london #리버즈오브런던
@FoxyLustyGrover @alex no #BenaAronovitch or #RiversOfLondon just yet but if you build it they *might* come
#benaaronovitch #riversoflondon
And I read Winter’s Gifts, the new novella by Ben Aaronovitch, which at 200 densely printed pages certainly feels a novel. This story explores an adventure had by FBI Agent Reynolds as she responds to an emergency call from a retired agent. It’s a great little adventure and a nice bit of expansion of the world to see things in another context.
#riversoflondon #BenAaronovitch #wintersgifts
"... and your coffee arrived in its own press with a little card describing the country of origin and how it was ethically sourced. They did manage to serve a good quarter-pounder without adding either kale or quinoa - but you could tell they really wanted to." 2/2
Winter's Gift - Ben Aaronovitch
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novellas #RiversOfLondon #BenAaronovich
#quotes #bookstodon #books #reading #novellas #riversoflondon #benaaronovich