This mornings company for breakfast by the river! #RiverTay #Fife #ScottiesByTheSea #MaggiesCentre
#maggiescentre #scottiesbythesea #fife #rivertay
Seriously zoomed in #photo of my view just now.
#RiverTay #TayRailBridge #Fife
(I'll catch up with notifications when I'm back at my desk....thanks folks ❤️)
#fife #tayrailbridge #rivertay #Photo
Some bonus #photos from my husband’s lunchtime today, by the River #Tay near Riverside Tescos. A swimming and diving #guillemot and a young herring #gull. #Dundee #Scotland #Birdstodon #Birds #Birding #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Guillemots #Murres #Gulls #RiverTay #Seaside #Countryside #Wildlife #Nature
#nature #wildlife #countryside #seaside #rivertay #gulls #murres #guillemots #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birding #birds #birdstodon #scotland #dundee #gull #guillemot #tay #photos
Wonderful #BlueSuperMoon over the #RiverTay and #TayRailBridge in Dundee last night. Stunning light. This capture on my iPhone. Better images to follow when I get time to download them from my Fujifilm XT4 later
Perfect soundtrack to this is Karine Polwart's superb cover of The Waterboys You saw the whole of the Moon
#scotland #dundee #RiverTay #moon #supermoon #iPhone14ProMax
Feel free to repost with acknowledgement
Photo © Joe Lafferty, 2023,, all rights reserved
#bluesupermoon #rivertay #tayrailbridge #scotland #dundee #moon #supermoon #iPhone14ProMax
2 different views of the #TayRailwayBridge from the #Fife side of the #RiverTay. I absolutely adore living near here.
Walked further than I have in ages, the fresh air was so good, my back is absolutely knackered now.
#rivertay #fife #tayrailwaybridge
Sunday is a day for relaxing, so time to find a film to watch while I stitch. Picked up this candle at the gala yesterday. Anyone that knows me, knows I love to support small local companies, this is a relatively new business that a neighbour has started. All her candles scents are inspired by the area we live in. Got this one onto burn just now, hoping the scent stays strong.
Have a blissfully day lovely people.
#Sundays #LazyDays #Candles #RiverTay #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness
#smallbusiness #shoplocal #rivertay #candles #lazydays #sundays
I've been looking at my summer pics so far and this is a definite favourite. This was a morning in June when daughter (pictured) and I headed down to the V & A to see the Tartan exhibition but it was such a beautiful morning that we had a coffee by the river first.
Like all cities it has all kinds of views and life but so much of Dundee is really beautiful. I find the light and water really calming (and boy do I need the calming).
#heathers #scotland #redhead #vadundee #rivertay #dundee
Bonus #photos from my husband today, taken while sitting by the seaside in #BroughtyFerry, #Dundee, #Scotland, and then later inland near Dundee #port. #Photography #Birds #Birding #Birdstodon #BirdPhotography #BirdingPhotography #Crows #Corvids #Gulls #Flowers #Lighthouse #Lighthouses #Seaside #River #Tay #RiverTay #Fife #Seagulls #PortOfDundee #DundeePort #Wildlife
#wildlife #dundeeport #portofdundee #seagulls #fife #rivertay #tay #river #seaside #lighthouses #lighthouse #flowers #gulls #corvids #crows #birdingphotography #birdphotography #birdstodon #birding #birds #photography #port #scotland #dundee #broughtyferry #photos
A Sunday spent #paddling on the #Tay
Quite lovely seeing the V&A from the water - it really does resemble the prow of a ship from that perspective.
#kayaking #scotland #dundee #visitscotland #getoutside #RiverTay
#rivertay #getoutside #visitscotland #dundee #scotland #kayaking #tay #paddling
#RiverTay #TheNewport #BlueSkies #Windydays
Getting blown away waiting for a bus, if it could hurry up before I fall over....
#windydays #blueskies #thenewport #rivertay
Dundonian Submarine
Actually it's a long, narrow rock, with a beacon tower on top to warn ships when rocks submerged beneath the tide. But it really does look like an old sub!
#Dundee #Coast #Photography #Scotland #Ecosse #BeaconRock #Submarine #FirthOfTay #RiverTay #BlackAndWhitePhotography
#blackandwhitephotography #rivertay #firthoftay #submarine #beaconrock #ecosse #scotland #photography #coast #dundee
Here are some lunchtime #photos from my husband today in #Dundee, #Scotland. He was working in his office below #DundeeUniversity Tower Building today, and went for a #walk. #RiverTay #Rivers #TayRailwayBridge #TayBridge #kayaking #kayakers #OutdoorSports #gulls #BlackHeadedGulls #Birds #Birding #BirdingPhotography #BirdPhotography #Birdstodon #Goldfinch #Goldfinches #Photography #Seaside #Wildlife #WildlifePhotography
#wildlifephotography #wildlife #seaside #photography #goldfinches #goldfinch #birdstodon #birdphotography #birdingphotography #birding #birds #blackheadedgulls #gulls #outdoorsports #kayakers #kayaking #taybridge #tayrailwaybridge #rivers #rivertay #walk #dundeeuniversity #scotland #dundee #photos
The ruins of Balmerino Abbey stand close to the south bank of the River Tay in north-eastern Fife. Founded by Queen Ermengarde in 1229, the site of her desecrated grave in front of the high altar is marked by a large wooden cross. More pics and info:
#Scotland #BalmerinoAbbey #Abbey #Balmerino #Fife #RiverTay #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #rivertay #fife #balmerino #abbey #balmerinoabbey #scotland
Dundee at Dusk acrylic painting on a4 paper
#dundee #scotland #Scottish #scottishcity #ScottishArt #rivertay #riverside #art #acrylicpainting #nightscape #mastoart #cityscape #citynights #citylights
Stanley Mills, built to harness the tremendous power of the River Tay to process cotton on a site north of Perth in the late 1700s. Part of the complex is a fascinating visitor centre telling the story of the mills. More pics and info:
#Scotland #Stanley #Perthshire #RiverTay #StanleyMills #Mill #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #mill #stanleymills #rivertay #perthshire #stanley #scotland
Today's adventures on the #RiverTay in #Dunder.
#StAylesSkiff #CoastalRowing
#coastalrowing #staylesskiff #dunder #rivertay
RT @postcard13
Aerial postcard view of Dundee, postcard used in 1962 but image looks earlier, the changes to the dock area, waterfront, city centre show the transformation