Saluti dalla Riviera Romagnola dov’è si tengono oggi i campionati mondiali assoluti di russamento e relax, il nostro team punta al podio in entrambe le categorie 😎 #relax #riviera #maremare #sonpartitodabologna
#relax #riviera #maremare #sonpartitodabologna
Si lavora e si fatica per la birra e per... #teniamolalí
#birra #mare #reidratazione #spiaggia #bagnoitalia #pc #apple #imbruttito #amici #amicobusiness #cesenatico #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola
#teniamolali #birra #mare #reidratazione #spiaggia #bagnoitalia #pc #apple #Imbruttito #amici #amicobusiness #cesenatico #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola Cheval Blanc | Saint Tropez – Time To Stay #BestHotel #ChevalBlanc #CoteDAzure #FirstClass #hotel #luxury #PlacesToTravel #riviera #Saint-Tropez #SouthFrance #SouthOfFranceVacation #summer #TimeToStay #travel #vacation
#besthotel #chevalblanc #cotedazure #firstclass #hotel #luxury #placestotravel #riviera #saint #southfrance #southoffrancevacation #summer #timetostay #travel #vacation
Mare, sapore di mare
#mare #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola #cesenatico #adriatico
#mare #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola #cesenatico #adriatico
Tutto bene sotto il sole, anche sotto l'ombrellone
#relax #spiaggia #mare #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola #cielo #cieloblu #cieloazzurro #bagnofernanda #cesenatico
#relax #spiaggia #mare #romagna #riviera #rivieraromagnola #cielo #cieloblu #cieloazzurro #bagnofernanda #cesenatico
#photography #Italian #ChiaraSamugheo
#chiarasamugheoil #premioeccellenzadonna #riviera #photography #italian #chiarasamugheo
#photography #Italian #ChiaraSamugheo
#chiarasamugheoil #premioeccellenzadonna #riviera #photography #italian #chiarasamugheo
Hey, salut tout le monde!
Je suis toujours à la recherche de #job et je cherche des #agences qui bossent dans le #web entre #Lausanne, #Fribourg et la #Riviera #suisseRomande. Ceux qui connaitraient une entreprise à la recherche de #webDesigner, #UXDesigner et/ou #développeur pourraient ils me faire signe? Boosts appréciés!
Vous pouvez checker et partager mon site:
:ch_Vaud: 🌐
#developpeur #uxdesigner #webdesigner #suisseromande #riviera #fribourg #lausanne #web #agences #job
"No alle trivelle al largo della riviera"
#VialeDeGasperi in campo: appoggio a chi vuole impugnare la sentenza in Consiglio di Stato
'No to drilling off the #Riviera'
#VialeDeGasperi in the field: support for those who want to challenge the ruling in the Council of State
27-5-2023 7:23 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
#vialedegasperi #riviera #tutte
Dalla riviera a #Ravenna Il nucleo subacqueo nel fiume di Solarolo per salvare vite
Arrivati nel #Ravennate a poche ore dall’inizio della disastrosa alluvione hanno portato in salvo 14 adulti, 8 bambini e 3 cani: l’acqua arrivava al torace e aveva una velocità di due nodi.
From the #Riviera to #Ravenna The diving team in the Solarolo river to save lives
They arrived in the #Ravenna area just a few hours after the disastrous flooding began and rescued 14 adults, 8 children and 3 dogs: the water was up to their chests and had a speed of two knots.
26-5-2023 7:44 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
#ravenna #ravennate #riviera #tutte
#Estate sicura con i rinforzi La #Riviera arruola 330 divise Guardie giurate in spiaggia
Da giugno a settembre Rimini si ’blinda’ con le nuove unità di carabinieri, polizia e finanzaMassima attenzione al presidio di strade e treni, controlli potenziati per i grandi eventi
Safe summer with reinforcements The #Riviera enlists 330 uniforms Beach security guards
From June to September, Rimini will be 'armoured' with new Carabinieri, police and financial police unitsMaximum attention will be paid to guarding roads and trains, and controls will be stepped up for major events
26-5-2023 6:35 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
Dalle sfilate di moda alle spiagge #LaRiviera è già pronta all’estate
Tra Rimini e Riccione stabilimenti rimessi in piedi a tempo record e strutture alberghiere regolarmente aperte. Confermati tutti gli eventi dal weekend al ponte del 2 giugno: si parte con Alberta Ferretti, poi Vasco.
From fashion shows to beaches The #Riviera is ready for summer
Between Rimini and Riccione, establishments refurbished in record time and hotels regularly open. All the events from the weekend to the 2 June long weekend are confirmed: starting with Alberta Ferretti, then Vasco.
25-5-2023 8:1 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
Lunch break today at #villeneuve-loubet.
It's a day like this that reminds me why I decided to stay in the #french #riviera.
Big Thief tonight at Madrid. Completely different set from Groningen but what a great concert. Again.
#music #madrid #BigThief #riviera #tour #adrianneLenker #groningen #salaLaRiviera #Live
#Live #salalariviera #groningen #adriannelenker #tour #riviera #bigthief #Madrid #Music
Well appears as if there's no concept of time in #gnuradio. Everything is sample based. It's understandable but means the first helper module I think I will need to write is a sample counter though to provide other modules with a concept of time.
#gnuradio #fpga #aldec #vhdl #riviera
@Tathar Well, for avionics test, I do signal receipt and correlation and demodulation, then the other side modulation and transmission in #VHDL. However that's not what's making me walk through gnuradio. Apparently #Aldec has a block that lets you use #gnuradio in co-simulation with #Riviera-PRO. If I have an easier to work with signal generation or signal analysis tool, it would aid verification.
I've written signal toolbox stuff in VHDL for simulation, but I'll be honest, it's a pain in the ass to work with: tedious to construct and a pain in the ass to modify (depending on what you want.). There's a possibility gnuradio is easier (though also a possibility it is not. I've not yet got through a tutorial that actually gave me a sense of how the tool deals with time. I think it probably doesn't which means if I need a particular timing I will be sample counting and it'll make it anchored to sample rate when it'd just be nicer to wait X microseconds and then modulate.)
#vhdl #aldec #gnuradio #riviera