Tzafrir · @tzafrir
119 followers · 3071 posts · Server

Some background regarding the name: originally many things in were organized by parties. This involves many things (for instance: healthcare providers) and also sport clubs. There are relatively few Beitar teams. They were originally connected with what is now the ruling party.

In fact, the former Prime Minister and current president were both, at the time, were managers of the team.

#israel #likkud #olmert #rivlin

Last updated 4 years ago

Jörg Peckruhn · @Peggy
88 followers · 5095 posts · Server

Heute im während der Rede des israel. Präsidenten : Einige verweigern ihm den respektvollen Applaus, schläft. Welche Respektlosigkeit hätten wir wohl von einem Vize-Bundestagspräsidenten der zu erwarten 🤔🙈?

#bundestag #rivlin #afdler #gauland #afd #noafd

Last updated 5 years ago