Crimped a cat5e cable a while back and got 100Mbps instead of the Gbps I had hoped for. Not a problem at the time as only had 24Mbps to the property.
Just got a better connection and the cable became a bottleneck. Tried recrimping 4 times but all I've managed is downgrading it to 10Mbps.
Back to Amazon for some new connectors and probably a new tool. Guess you get what you pay for.
Nachdem wir in der Firma ja schon einen Blumenkasten als große Kabelwanne umfunktioniert haben, war jetzt unser IT Schlüsselkasten 🗝 dran: Zack einen defekten (ja, ist er wirklich 😜) 8 Port Switch genommen, an die Innenseite der Schranktür befestigt und fertig war der kreative IT Schlüsselkasten 😂😂😂 #IT #kreativ #Netzwerkschlüssel #RJ45 #Schlüsselkasten #IchliebemeinenJob
#it #kreativ #netzwerkschlussel #rj45 #schlusselkasten #ichliebemeinenjob
What is your thickest (diameter) cable you have on your working desk? I would be interested in cable thickness without the end / plug. #XLR #RJ45 #Power #USBC? #Followerpower #followersupport #homeoffice
#HomeOffice #followersupport #FollowerPower #usbc #power #rj45 #xlr
What is your thickest (diameter) cable you have on your working desk? I would be interested in cable thickness without the end / plug. #XLR #RJ45 #Power #USBC? #Followerpower #followersupport #homeoffice
#HomeOffice #followersupport #FollowerPower #usbc #power #rj45 #xlr
Quel câble Ethernet RJ45 choisir pour la fibre à la maison ?
D'autres exemples un peu WTF du site de matériel chinois. 🤔
Je suis allé faire un tour sur un site de matériel chinois. Ils font passer des trucs de fous avec du RJ45. Ça donne envie de comprendre. Je vous met quelques exemples un peu WTF. 🤔
J'explore les manière de faire passer du réseau *et* de l'audio sur un câble RJ45 existant. Dans mes souvenirs, on pouvais "sacrifier" quelques câbles pour un autre usage et le réseau passait en 100M. J'ai trouvé ce projet qui semble faire le job (à par que pour moi ça sera du jack, pas du RCA)
Ça vous inspire quoi ?
#bidouille #rj45 #audio #mastohelp
Wer gelegentliche #Netzwerkprobleme hat, kann versuchen die #RJ45 Stecker richtig in die Geräte reinzustecken. Dadurch erledigen sich einige Bitfehler. Analyse unter #Linux mit:
ifconfig | grep error
netstat -s
#Netzwerkprobleme #rj45 #linux #netzwerk #statistik #switch #network #statistics
Heute Erkenntnis: Einen #RJ45-Stecker für #CAT7 kann ich nicht selbst montieren. 😅
Aber immerhin habe ich jetzt gesehen, wie das gehen könnte. #ZweiLinkeHaende
Pi-Cast Adds ATX Signalling To KVM #cablemanagement #RaspberryPi #raspberrypi #switching #network #pi-cast #pikvm #rj45 #atx #kvm
#cablemanagement #RaspberryPi #switching #network #Pi #pikvm #rj45 #atx #kvm
Pi-Cast Adds ATX Signalling To KVM - A KVM is a great tool for administering a number of different computers without cl... - #cablemanagement #raspberrypi #switching #network #pi-cast #pikvm #rj45 #atx #kvm
#kvm #atx #rj45 #pikvm #pi #network #switching #raspberrypi #cablemanagement
Might be usefull for those broken RJ45 connectors:
#connector #rj45 #ethernet_cable
Funny story about implementing #solar on my house. I have an #Enphase system and I have connected it by #RJ45 to my network. When it boots it complains it can’t see the network. Finally I set my phone up as a wifi access point (which bypasses all the pi-hole DNS nonsense) and poof! It works fine. So have to go figure out what it REALLY wants to do.
Their #firewall config page makes it sound like all they have to do is make a few port 443 connections and a bit of NTP. I’ll bet that’s not all.
#solar #enphase #rj45 #firewall
I am so pleased I do not have to do this for a living. #ethernet #rj45 #cabling
Should I fess up that it took me three goes to get it right! Oops. Once the plug has been crimped, you have to cut it off, if it was not done correctly, so two had to go in the bin.😅
Well at least I saved the 20m cable my son’s dog decided needed chewing 🤬
I'd like to put #RJ45 jacks in each room of my house, and run them to the patch panel in my #server #cabinetbupstairs, but that would be a significant (and expensive) #PITA.
Failing that, I'd like to have an #Ethernet #appliance into which I could plug things like a printer's hardline, which appliance would function as a #wireless cable back to another appliance in the cabinet.
#rj45 #server #cabinetbupstairs #pita #ethernet #appliance #wireless