"Sympathy for the Devil" (2023) Review: A Performance Over Story Action Thriller http://hub.me/aq8ah Sympathy for the Devil starring Nicolas Cage and Joel Kinnaman is in theaters Friday. #SympathyfortheDevil #moviereviews #NicolasCage #JoelKinnaman #action #thriller #movies #RLJEFilms #movies #newrelease
#sympathyforthedevil #moviereviews #nicolascage #joelkinnaman #action #thriller #movies #rljefilms #newrelease
Film Review: CHILDREN OF THE CORN (2020): Kate Moyer is Good at Playing Wickedly Evil in a Tepid Remake
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AlylaBrowne #BruceSpence #CallanMulvey #ChildrenoftheCorn #ElenaKampouris #KateMoyer #KurtWimmer #KyraHarlan. #LukeDean #MikeDuncan #MirandaCash #MovieReview #RaffertyGrierson #RLJEFilms
#filmbook #moviereview #alylabrowne #brucespence #callanmulvey #childrenofthecorn #elenakampouris #katemoyer #kurtwimmer #kyraharlan #lukedean #mikeduncan #mirandacash #raffertygrierson #rljefilms
‘Christmas Bloody Christmas’ Review: The Magic of Christmas Is Santa’s Ho-Ho-Homicide https://bit.ly/HoHoBot Now playing in theaters and streaming on Shudder. #ChristmasBloodyChristmas #moviereviews #horror #JoeBegos #RLJEFilms #Shudder #newrelease #nowplaying
#christmasbloodychristmas #moviereviews #horror #joebegos #rljefilms #shudder #newrelease #nowplaying
"Dual" (2022) Review: The Imitation of an Eccentric Film http://hub.me/ap6ao Dual is now playing in theaters. #Dual #moviereview #KarenGillan #AaronPaul #RileyStearns #scifi #thriller #movies #RLJEFilms #newrelease #nowplaying
#karengillan #RileyStearns #rljefilms #newrelease #dual #moviereview #aaronpaul #scifi #thriller #movies #nowplaying
"Prisoners of the Ghostland" (2021) Review: An Oddball Samurai Infused Jambalaya http://hub.me/aoJrB Now playing in select theaters and available on VOD and Digital. #PrisonersoftheGhostland #moviereview #NicolasCage #SofiaBoutella #BillMoseley #TakSakaguchi #SionSono #neonoir #western #action #movies #RLJEFilms #newrelease #nowplaying #VOD #digital
#PrisonersoftheGhostland #moviereview #nicolascage #sofiaboutella #BillMoseley #taksakaguchi #sionsono #neonoir #western #action #movies #rljefilms #newrelease #nowplaying #vod #digital
'The Reckoning' (2021) Review: The Devil Never Rests http://hub.me/aoce1 #TheReckoning #moviereview #NeilMarshall #SeanPertwee #adventure #horror #movies #RLJEFilms #newrelease #nowplaying #ondemand #digital
#thereckoning #moviereview #neilmarshall #SeanPertwee #adventure #horror #movies #rljefilms #newrelease #nowplaying #ondemand #digital
Psycho Goreman Review: Hunky Boys and Severed Heads http://bit.ly/hunkyboys Psycho Goreman is now streaming/on-demand and playing in select theaters. It’s an incredible movie and you need to watch it right now. #PsychoGoreman #PGPsychoGoreman #moviereview #scifi #horror #comedy #StevenKostanski #AdamBrooks #Movies #RLJEFilms #newrelease #nowplaying #streaming #ondemand
#PGPsychoGoreman #PSYCHOGOREMAN #moviereview #scifi #horror #comedy #StevenKostanski #AdamBrooks #movies #rljefilms #newrelease #nowplaying #streaming #ondemand
'Color Out of Space' (2020) Review: A Freak of Madness http://hub.me/anjmc Richard Stanley's Color Out of Space had a brief theatrical run back at the end of January. It's now due out on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K Blu-ray on February 25th. #ColorOutofSpace #moviereview #NicolasCage #RichardStanley #HPLovecraft #scifi #sciencefiction #horror #cosmichorror #movies #DVD #Bluray #4KBluray #Movies #RLJEFilms #ImageEntertainment #newrelease
#nicolascage #RichardStanley #hplovecraft #scifi #sciencefiction #horror #cosmichorror #movies #bluray #4KBluray #rljefilms #ColorOutofSpace #moviereview #dvd #ImageEntertainment #newrelease
'The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot' (2019) Review: How Many Haircuts Does It Take to Kill Hitler? http://hub.me/amzno #TheManWhoKilledHitlerandThenTheBigfoot #moviereview #SamElliott #RonLivingston #RobertDKrzykowski #adventure #drama #movies #nowplaying #streaming #digital #epicpicturesreleasing #hitlerbigfoot #RLJEFilms
#themanwhokilledhitlerandthenthebigfoot #moviereview #samelliott #ronlivingston #adventure #movies #digital #epicpicturesreleasing #hitlerbigfoot #rljefilms #robertdkrzykowski #drama #nowplaying #streaming