Amazing how you forget what you've taken over the years. And how it comes back, but from the fag end, hasn't got so much emotion attached.
Quite a few of the colour negative seem to have faded, which I have learned during the course of this scan marathon is the dyes.
This small batch have retained vivid colour for some reason.
Here a camera framed shot of Well-next-Sea Lifeboat Open Day mid-80s, with cropped version done today. Croppers comments welcome.
Amazing how you forget what you've taken over the years. And how it comes back, but from the fag end, haven't got much emotion attached.
Quite a few of the colour negative seem to have faded, which I have learned during the course of this scam marathon is the dyes.
This small batch have retained vivid colour for some reason.
Here a camera framed shot of the Well-next-Sea Lifeboat Open Day mid-80s, with cropped version done today. Croppers comments welcome.