⚕️ #RMed2023 content! Neale Batra, President at Applied Epi, gave a keynote on "Expanding R Use in Applied Epidemiology and Public Health." #Rstats #opensource ➡️ https://youtu.be/lcvWNJtVP_k
📣 If you missed the R Medicine 2023 Virtual Conference, keep an eye on the R Consortium’s Youtube channel for #RMed2023 content! Jeff Leek presents his keynote on “DataTrail & its Extensions - How You Can Build a Local Pipeline of Talent for Your Medical Center.” #Rstats ➡️ https://youtu.be/v6yzsaiXV4M
⚕️ Check out some of the upcoming workshops for #RMed2023! Learn and develop your R skills. Workshops will be happening June 5-6. #Rstats #opensource #datascience | Register today ➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/
#rmed2023 #rstats #opensource #datascience
Thank you to @jumpingrivers for sponsoring #RMed2023! Thanks to their support, we are able to welcome many through affordable tickets and allows to offer free admission via scholarships in the interest of supporting diversity, equity and inclusion. #rstats ➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/
⚕️ Jessica Lavery, Research Biostatistician at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, will be leading the demo for "Analyzing Clinical and Genomic Oncological Data with {genieBPC} and {gnomeR}." #Rstats #Rprogramming | Register for #RMed2023 ➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/
#rstats #rprogramming #rmed2023
⚕️ Workshops are the focus of June 5-6 during #RMed2023 week. Dr. Peter Higgins will be leading the "Cleaning Medical Data with R" workshop. #Rstats #Rprogramming See you there! ➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/
#rmed2023 #rstats #rprogramming
🐦Special early bird pricing for the R/Medicine Conference 2023 closes on May 5th! #Rstats #opensource #RMed2023 | Get your tickets today! ➡️R-medicine.org
📚Looking to attend the R/Medicine Conference 2023 at little to no cost? #RMed2023 is offering special scholarships for students and applicants who are from historically underrepresented or untapped groups. #opensouce #rstats | ➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/attend/scholarships/
📣The R/Medicine Call for proposals has been extended until April 12! Share your proposals for topics around clinical research use cases, data visualization, clinical machine learning, and more➡️ https://events.linuxfoundation.org/r-medicine/program/cfp/ #rstats #rmed2023
📣Interested in helping promote the development and use of R based tools to improve clinical research and practice? Submit your abstract, submissions close April 5th! #Rstats #Rprogramming #RMed2023 | Learn more ➡️ R-medicine.org
#rstats #rprogramming #rmed2023
⚕️R/Medicine 2023 is happening from June 5-9! The conference will be filled with workshops, demos, poster sessions, a hackathon, and so much more. Get your early bird tickets today! #Rstats #Rprogramming #RMed2023 | Learn more ➡️ https://www.r-consortium.org/blog/2023/03/17/announcing-r-medicine-2023
#rstats #rprogramming #rmed2023