¡Estoy encantado de tener una imagen clasificada en #APY15 #RMGreenwich otro año más! Esta vez me he salido de mi zona de confort y he tratado de representar los datos del sobrevuelo de Plutón de New Horizons con estilo de grabado antiguo, inspirado en la cautivadora 'Carte de La Lune' (Cassini, 1679)
So delighted to have one of my images shortlisted by
once more! I stepped out of my comfort zone and attempted to represent New Horizon's data of Pluto flyby in the style of an old engraving, inspired by the captivating 'Carte de La Lune' (Cassini, 1679) #APY15
(Nov/2022) Acaba de llegar a casa el último libro de la colección Astronomy Photographer of the Year con un regalito en la página 161 ♥️
#APY14 book just arrived at home, with a little gift at page 161 ♥️
#RMGreenwich #HarperCollins #DataViz #SciArt https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1588218477990580228/photo/1
#apy14 #rmgreenwich #harpercollins #dataviz #sciart
(Sep/2022) Aunque no ha resultado ganadora, "Busy Star" se ha quedado de cabecera en la web de Royal Museums Greenwich, categoría Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation 😍
Al haber quedado clasificada, estará en la exposición y en el libro #APY14.
Gracias #RMGreenwich! https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1570525270289051650/photo/1
(Jul/2022) 'Busy Star' entre las imágenes clasificadas para el concurso Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022 #RMGreenwich, categoría Annie Maunder Prize for Image Innovation
Créditos: NOAA / NCEI SUVI Team / Sergio Díaz
#sunpy #pixinsight #sklearn
#astrosevilla #LeoAstronomada #DGaladi https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1544727958107070469 https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1550179385197608961/photo/1
#rmgreenwich #sunpy #pixinsight #Sklearn #astrosevilla #leoastronomada #dgaladi
(Oct/2021) #APY13 book is here! Delighted to see my images in it!
Thanks #CollinsAstro and #RMGreenwich
1/3 https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1452216124620382214/photo/1
#apy13 #collinsastro #rmgreenwich
(Sep/2021) #APY13 #RMGreenwich winners featured on this month issue of BBC Sky at Night mag
So glad to see my Jupiter image among them!
Thanks #skyatnightmag
#Astrophotography https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1443182278616698882/photo/1
#apy13 #rmgreenwich #skyatnightmag #astrophotography
(Sep/2021) A little 'flyby' over "Another Cloudy Day on Jupiter" image, joint winner of the Annie Maunder Special Prize #APY13 #RMGreenwich #ROGAstronomers
Produced from observations in 8 bands by #NASA HST, mapped to a color image by a Principal Component Analysis transformation https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1438825048689754114/video/1
#apy13 #rmgreenwich #rogastronomers #nasa
(Sep/2021) Can you believe it??!!!! I’m stunned 🤩
Thanks so much #RMGreenwich!!! #APY13
+Info & Full credits: https://expandingastro.blogspot.com/2021/06/apy13-shortlist.html
#mcromerot #anaRB #alipegaso #miangulo_95
#LeoAstronomada https://twitter.com/RMGreenwich/status/1438564179594649612
#rmgreenwich #apy13 #mcromerot #anarb #alipegaso #miangulo_95 #leoastronomada
(Jun/2021) My other #APY13 shortlisted image, and my personal favorite of the two, is "Multiband Whirlpool Galaxy: From Infrared to X-Rays"
I'm so grateful #RMGreenwich, a dream come true !!!
+Info&credits: https://expandingastro.blogspot.com/2021/06/apy13-shortlist.html https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1409877225848070146/photo/1
(Jun/2021) So happy to get my image "Another Cloudy Day on Jupiter" shortlisted in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021 competition! #APY13
Two of my images will be included in the book and the exhibition at #RMGreenwich !!! Many thanks!!!
+Info&credits: https://expandingastro.blogspot.com/2021/06/apy13-shortlist.html https://twitter.com/expanding_astro/status/1409876905063550979/photo/1