This year we will have another edition of the @VAIA #UGent #course on #LinkedData and #Solid !
This course touches the basics of Linked Data, #KnowledgeGraph, #RML, #SHACL, #ShEx, Solid, and #ontologies so you can use these technologies in your own products!
#UGent #course #linkeddata #solid #knowledgegraph #rml #shacl #ShEx #ontologies
NACHT (excerpt)
live @ gray area, san francisco
Franck Vigroux: Music
Antoine Schmitt: Generative Video
Loïc Varanguien de Villepin: Vocals
#franckVigroux #antoineSchmitt #audioVisual #experimentalElectronic #generativeVideo #grayArea #RML #recombinantMediaLabs #sanFrancisco
#sanfrancisco #recombinantmedialabs #rml #grayarea #generativevideo #experimentalelectronic #audiovisual #antoineschmitt #franckvigroux
Announcing the keynote of Maria-Esther Vidal #KnowledgeGraphs - Are we ready to catch the boat? at #isws2023 #semanticweb #creativeai #sparql #rml
#KnowledgeGraphs #isws2023 #semanticweb #creativeai #sparql #rml
Julian Arenas-Guerrero from OEG (UPM) is presenting #SQL views over #CSV files with #RML in Morph-KGC.
#sql #csv #rml #eswc2023 #rdf #knowledgegraph #semanticweb
Sitt Min Oo, another IDLab colleague, is also presenting their #PhD at the #ESWC2023 PhD symposium! He is working on integrating streaming data with #RML and any-to-any data format #mapping!
#RDF #SemanticWeb #LinkedData #KnowledgeGraph @eswc_conf @pietercolpaert
#phd #eswc2023 #rml #mapping #rdf #semanticweb #linkeddata #knowledgegraph
Claus Stadler is presenting their work behind SANSA: 'Scaling RML and SPARQL-based Knowledge Graph Construction with Apache Spark' now at the Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop!
#ESWC2023 #KGCW2023 #RML #SPARQL #ApacheSpark @eswc_conf @aksw
#eswc2023 #kgcw2023 #rml #sparql #apachespark
Towards a Mapping Framework for the Tenders Electronic Daily Standard Forms by Alexandros Vassiliades is now live at the Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop!
#ESWC2023 #KnowledgeGraph #RDF #SemanticWeb #RML #R2RML #SPARQL #SHACL @eswc_conf
#eswc2023 #knowledgegraph #rdf #semanticweb #rml #R2RML #sparql #shacl
The first research paper at the Knowledge Graph Construction Workshop is being presented by Alex Randles: 'Perserving the Alignment of LD with Source Data'. Come to the Hermes room for more research papers around #KnowledgeGraph construction, #RML, #R2RML.
#knowledgegraph #rml #R2RML #kgcw #eswc2023 #rdf
Ana Iglesias Molina is now giving the yearly progress update of the @w3c Knowledge Graph Construction Community Group at the @eswc_conf #KnowledgeGraph Construction Workshop. The next generation of #RML is being developed and presented!
#knowledgegraph #rml #semanticweb #rdf #eswc2023 #w3c #R2RML
@ontopic @eswc_conf Really interesting keynote around #virtualization vs #materialization in #KnowledgeGraphs and a wishlist for the next generation specification of R2RML, interesting for the @w3c Knowledge Graph Construction Community Group!
#virtualization #materialization #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #w3c #R2RML #rml #rdf
I will be at @eswc_conf 2023 as part of the organizing committee of the #KnowledgeGraph #Construction #Workshop!
However, I'm not alone! Check out the papers of #KNoWS at #ESWC2023:
#RDF #RML #SPARQL #reasoning #streaming #querying
#knowledgegraph #construction #workshop #knows #eswc2023 #rdf #rml #sparql #reasoning #streaming #querying
I made a #JSON #schema to help write and check YARRRML files. #YARRRML generates #RML files that describe #LinkedData generation rules.
#json #schema #yarrrml #rml #linkeddata
[Décembre 2022, Wallmapu] Nouvelles de la lutte Mapuche contre l’Etat Chilien
Cet article propose un recueil de différentes actions revendiquées par des groupes Mapuche radicaux au Wallmapu, contre l'Etat chi
#2022 #anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
#anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #Chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
[December 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State
Here's a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state in the m
#2022 #anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
#anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #Chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
[Novembre 2022, Wallmapu] Nouvelles de la lutte Mapuche contre l’Etat Chilien
Cet article propose un recueil de différentes actions revendiquées par des groupes Mapuche radicaux au Wallmapu, contre l’Etat chilien, au mois de Novembre 2022.
Ce mois ayant été marqué par : de nombreuses attaques en rejection de la visite du président Boric au Wallmapu, des attaques en commémoration des weychafe assassinés par les flics lors de précédents mois de Novembre, des attaques en solidarité avec les prisonniers de la Coordinadora Arauco Malleco & le début de leur grève de la faim, des attaques en solidarité avec toustes les prisonnierEs politiques Mapuche.
#2022 #anticolonialisme #luttearmée #cam #chili #actiondirecte #grèvedelafaim #lnm #mapuche #ort #prisonnierspolitiques #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
#cam #lnm #mapuche #ort #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam #anticolonialisme #luttearmee #chili #actiondirecte #grevedelafaim #prisonnierspolitiques
[November 2022, Wallmapu] News from the Mapuche struggle against the Chilean State
Here's a collection of different actions claimed by radical Mapuche groups in Wallmapu, against the Chilean state in the month of November 2022.
This month being marked by: many attacks in rejection of the visit of President Boric to Wallmapu, attacks in commemoration of fallen weychafe murdered by cops in past Novembers, attacks in solidarity with the prisoners of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco & the beginning of their hunger strikes, attacks in solidarity with all Mapuche political prisoners.
#2022 #anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
#anticolonialism #armedstruggle #cam #Chile #directaction #hungerstrike #lnm #mapuche #ort #politicalprisoners #prison #rml #rmm #rmp #wallmapu #wam
📢📢📢Find me at #ESWC2022 conference on 29/05/2022 for a
DKG Cost Action tutorial about @rml_io #RMLStreamer and #YARRRML with #Matey!
Have a look at the complete program on
#eswc2022 #RMLStreamer #YARRRML #Matey #kg #rdf #rml #science #bigdata #semantic #web