[en] Call for proposals to host 2020 LSM (Libre Software Meeting). Beginning of July 2020
Please note event if people from all over the world will be welcome, the communication language is mainly in French
Review the last organizations at https://2018.rmll.info/ (from 2014 to 2018)
More information on Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libre_Software_Meeting
#rmll #rmll2020 #lsm #lsm2020 #logiciellibre #opensource
[#Actu] « Appel à candidature pour l'organisation des RMLL 2020 » https://linuxfr.org/news/appel-a-candidature-pour-l-organisation-des-rmll-2020 #RMLL/LSM #rmll2020 #rmll