Translation of viral #RNAs is often driven by non-canonical events, which are encoded in the viral genome to hijack the cellular translation machinery. One such event is programmed ribosomal #frameshifting. It prompts the translating #ribosome to slip one nucleotide back or forth into a different reading frame, enabling viral replication. Researchers from the Helmholtz Institute Würzburg unveiled the structural transitions in the #SARSCoV2 frameshifting process. 🧬 👩🔬 🦠
#rnas #frameshifting #ribosome #sarscov2
RT @karchlab: Super duper excited to share work from @reshuubhagat showing that #MAPT mutations alter a long non-coding #RNAs that plays a critical role in regulating stress granule formation @WUADRC @RCFNeuro @AFTDHope @CurePSP
Postdoctoral position to explore “Tiny RNAs” in humans @nakanishi_lab
Interested in a new type of non-coding #RNAs? Please apply for @nakanishi_lab in #Columbus as a #postdoc to explore the world of tiny RNAs!
#ScienceJobs #postdoc #columbus #rnas
Postdoctoral position to explore “Tiny RNAs” in humans @nakanishi_lab
Interested in a new type of non-coding #RNAs? Please apply for @nakanishi_lab in #Columbus as a #postdoc to explore the world of tiny RNAs!
#ScienceJobs #postdoc #columbus #rnas
How do you adapt to changing conditions when you're rooted? Wang et al. look at how specific non-coding #RNAs regulate the expression of essential #plant genes, allowing for crucial #environmental #adaptation.🔓⬇️
#development #PlantSci #JIPB #plantscience #plantbiology
#rnas #plant #environmental #adaptation #development #plantsci #JIPB #plantscience #plantbiology
How humans got a new gene that makes our brains larger - Enlarge / Building a bigger brain requires new genes, not a workout. (c... - #neurobiology #evolution #science #biology #brains #genes #rnas
#rnas #genes #brains #biology #science #evolution #neurobiology
Characterizing #SARS-CoV-2 #transcription of #subgenomic and #genomic #RNAs during early human #infection using multiplexed #droplet digital #PCR,
#sars #transcription #subgenomic #genomic #rnas #infection #droplet #pcr
The emerging power and promise of non-coding #RNAs in #chronicpain
#neuropathicpain #ncRNA #DRG #spinalcord
#rnas #chronicpain #neuropathicpain #ncrna #DRG #SpinalCord