Did a project last summer called 93 Days of Summer, which I'm going to repeat this year. One image per day for 93 days. This was last July, playing with my cheap telephoto at the beach. Love people watching. I gave it a soft blue tone during processing.
#summer #beach #MastoArt #art #Photography #beachvibes #BlackAndWhite #ayearforart #buyintoart #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #buyintoart #ayearforart #BlackAndWhite #beachvibes #Photography #Art #MastoArt #beach #Summer
Fog at the Lake - was one of those foggy days we get so often in the northeast. I happen to love a day like this, so mysterious and moody. I gave it a texture during processing to make the flow more prevalent.
#humanart #ayearforart #fog #landscape #photo #buyintoart #art #MastoArt #Abstract #water #homedecor #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #homedecor #Water #Abstract #MastoArt #Art #buyintoart #Photo #Landscape #fog #ayearforart #humanart
Angel's Trumpet Flower - an amazing flower with an incredible scent and quite poisonous. I have to bring mine in to over winter as it is a tropical plant. Just always amazed by the beauty of nature.
#flowers #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #Gardening #floralart #MastoArt #art #nature #photo #homedecor #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #homedecor #Photo #Nature #Art #MastoArt #floralart #Gardening #buyintoart #ayearforart #Flowers
Taken during a rainy season with a bit of ICM. The droplets that Lingered in the Pines. I was wandering around our yard just noticing rain. I actually made a photo book of that rainy season using blurb. I wish I knew where that link went. 😂 Have a lovely day! Join artists in promoting each other #BuyIntoArt
#ayearforart #rain #photo #art #MastoArt #weather #pinetrees #rnatalefineart #nature #icm #raindrops #artist
#Artist #raindrops #icm #Nature #rnatalefineart #pinetrees #Weather #MastoArt #Art #Photo #rain #ayearforart #buyintoart
What is serenity? For me, a walk on the beach at sunset or sunrise. Here in Sandy Hook, NJ on a cold March evening. That setting sun... So lovely and calming. Maybe we all need a bit more calm. Have a wonderful day!
#MastoArt #art #sandyhook #jerseyshore #serenity #beach #sunset #Photos #calming #beachvibes #rnatalefineart #twilight
#twilight #rnatalefineart #beachvibes #calming #Photos #Sunset #beach #serenity #jerseyshore #sandyhook #Art #MastoArt
Contemplating at the lake. Small moments with a wooden bench. It was a morning in August and I took this with my macro lens. Just some old wood and the lake beyond. A #silentsunday moment.
#ayearforart #art #contemplation #contemporaryart #MastoArt #Photography #silence #buyintoart #smallmoments #bythelake #artist #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #Artist #bythelake #smallmoments #buyintoart #silence #Photography #MastoArt #contemporaryart #contemplation #Art #ayearforart #silentsunday
Blues - an abstract landscape captured at sunset with the use of intentional camera movement. A modern photographic print.
#ayearforart #MastoArt #Abstract #icm #buyintoart #fediart #art #artist #blues #LandscapePhotography #photo #modernart #rnatalefineart #friday
#Friday #rnatalefineart #modernart #Photo #LandscapePhotography #blues #Artist #Art #fediart #buyintoart #icm #Abstract #MastoArt #ayearforart
Just loving the super long shadows at dawn on the beach. Walking the beach in Sandy Hook, NJ, a favorite travel destination in the off season.
#springthings #beach #beachvibes #ayearforart #art #MastoArt #fediart #LandscapePhotography #photo #sunrise #dawn #Photography #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #Photography #dawn #sunrise #Photo #LandscapePhotography #fediart #MastoArt #Art #ayearforart #beachvibes #beach #springthings
Minimal landscape - sunset at the lake. I captured this with my macro lens instead of always reaching for my wide angle. Peaceful nature.
View: https://pixels.com/featured/last-night-renata-natale.html
#ayearforart #Landscape #Photography #sunset #MastoArt #art #nature #peaceful #beauty #calming #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #calming #beauty #peaceful #Nature #Art #MastoArt #Sunset #Photography #Landscape #ayearforart
Happy Monday everyone! Hope your day is going well. A few years back, I captured this beautiful portrait of the horse across the road. Horses are so majestic.
View here: https://pixels.com/featured/across-the-road-renata-natale.html
#ayearforart #horses #majestic #art #mastoart #artbooster #Animals #equestrian #lovely #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #lovely #equestrian #Animals #artbooster #MastoArt #Art #majestic #horses #ayearforart
Happy Monday everyone! Hope your day is going well. A few years back, I captured this beautiful portrait of the horse across the road. Horses are so majestic.
View here: https://pixels.com/featured/across-the-road-renata-natale.html
#ayearforart #horses #majestic #art #mastoart #artbooster #Animals #equestrian #lovely #rnatalefineart
#rnatalefineart #lovely #equestrian #Animals #artbooster #MastoArt #Art #majestic #horses #ayearforart
Well, apparently the person running the @mstdn.party is not doing well, so had to migrate. Prayers to him or her. Starting over... My earlier post was about the Peconic River shoreline, how beautiful it is at sunset. I panned a bit during exposure to add to that lovely allure.
View here: https://pixels.com/featured/peconic-river.html
#MastoArt #ärt #Photography #longisland #sunset #ayearforart #icm #abstract #peace #rnatalefineart #beauty #nature
#Nature #beauty #rnatalefineart #Peace #Abstract #icm #ayearforart #Sunset #longisland #Photography #Art #MastoArt
Well, apparently the person running the @mstdn.party is not doing well, so had to migrate. Prayers to him or her. Starting over... My earlier post was about the Peconic River shoreline, how beautiful it is at sunset. I panned a bit during exposure to add to that lovely allure.
View here: https://pixels.com/featured/peconic-river.html
#MastoArt #ärt #Photography #longisland #sunset #ayearforart #icm #abstract #peace #rnatalefineart #beauty #nature
#Nature #beauty #rnatalefineart #Peace #Abstract #icm #ayearforart #Sunset #longisland #Photography #Art #MastoArt
Twilight Whispers was captured at sunset in Sandy Hook, NJ. The sky was magical and the air around me was silent. 2023 A time to create new magical memories and explore new places and bring JOY into our lives on our visual journeys.
Print Options: https://pixels.com/featured/twilight-whispers-renata-natale.html
#AYearForArt #fineart #sunset #twilight #ocean #sandyhooknj #jerseyshore #photography #rnatalefineart
#ayearforart #fineart #sunset #twilight #ocean #sandyhooknj #jerseyshore #photography #rnatalefineart
Blue Fog - sometimes it is so foggy at the lake that you cannot see across. This was one of those days. I love moody weather.
See it here: https://pixels.com/featured/blue-fog-at-the-lake-renata-natale.html
#fog #ArtMatters #AYearForArt #art #MastoArt #photo #weather #attitudeofgratitude #artdistrictprompt #moody #surreal #rnatalefineart
#fog #artmatters #ayearforart #art #MastoArt #photo #weather #attitudeofgratitude #artdistrictprompt #moody #surreal #rnatalefineart