Wasn't really paying attention this morning so just listened now
Pretty good interview with Max
Greens on housing: 'This fight has just started'
Dutton on, not great to wake up to but I guess he has to get a go now and then
Sticking by his line that he'll have a referendum on constitutional recognition if he becomes PM. Well unless he can change the question this time around lol
Seems to acknowledge that the referedum failing will damage our reputation internationally although I'd argue it would just shine a light rather than highlight something new
Per capita recession is an interesting concept. The economy is still growing but so is the population, faster than it has for a long time
I guess the real test is if people feel better or worse off and my guess is many would say, and are, worse off
Hard listening to this interview with Don Farrell for many reasons
The guy is party hack, factional warlord
Surely there is a better choice as trade minister?
Accepting that increasing trade with SE Asia is a good thing
It will be interesting to see how the parliamentary delegation travelling to the US goes in terms of getting a result around freeing Assange
I hope it works out, he has been locked up too long already
Great to see people as diverse as Monique Ryan and Barnaby Joyce working together
Jim Chalmers having a dig at the Greens wanting another reason to vote with the LNP over paying super on paid parental leave
It's your policy FFS
Just stop messing about and implement it
PK has always been friendly with Jim Chalmers but this interview isn't starting out great
I really don't care about the Treasurer talking to former Labor Treasurers
The GDP figure is coming out today, it's likely to confirm the economy has stalled. There's the story that should be leading the interview. Good the Treasurer raised it. Looks like China is going to wear the largest part of the blame
Acknowledging that the Qantas Qatar Airways thing is worth talking about as well
Business call it a cost, every day people call it income
Or something like that, good line from Adam Bandt re IR reform and putting more money in workers pockets
Spot on there from Adam Bandt, transparency is the key. Shine a light
Adam Bandt on, struggling a bit with his messaging around big corporations
More competition is rarely a bad thing for consumers but yes there needs to be rules as well
Definitely need super profits taxes though, so agree on that one
So if No wins, I hope it doesn't, and there's eventually a change of government we get
Another referendum on constitutional recognition
Potentially legislated regional voices
And if Warren Mundine gets his way, treaties
Sounds like it's easier to just vote Yes this time around
What a debacle, massive delays and cost blowouts
Pot committed though, can't pull the plug now so better keep going
Sounds like Labor is putting a base in for gig workers which is a good thing
Workers need protections no matter what the nature of their employment contract.
Will they go far enough? Probably not but it's a start
Noel Pearson on today sounding very positive. I like it. Hopefully his faith isn't misplaced.
I feel good about it despite the polling, good hearted people will do the right thing and bring this home
Interesting interview with Warren Mundine from the No campaign and I missed the name of the guy from the Blak Sovereign Movement
They both agree with a move to treaties rather than Voice. I think that's likely the longer term outcome but it will be delayed rather than accelerated if the referendum loses
Mundine has locked in WA and Qld for No. Over confident? I hope so
I don't like all the policy positions Penny Wong takes but she is good to listen to, calm and measured
Pretty cool that she could team up with Julie Bishop to sell the case for #Yes23 as well
That will surely swing some votes
They are replaying an earlier interview on #RNBreakfast around a proposed "rent freeze" in Germany. It doesn't really sound like a rent freeze though, I'm hearing that rents are already pegged to inflation. Although that means large rent increases when inflation is high and that's they want to combat
Amazing that 50% of Germans rent, I wonder if that's where we're heading?
Virgin boss on #RNBreakfast making lots of good points. We'd be much better off if Qantas was still government owned but given it isn't competition is needed
Stephen Jones on sprouting rubbish backing stage 3 and super
Still running the line around stage 3 starting at $45k (43 cents per week) although he did at least admit most of them went to those on higher incomes
Super is a good thing but it will cost us a fortune in tax concessions unless they get rid of the ridiculous tax free over 60 rule. It has to go. Replace it with double the tax free threshold or the like
Ken Henry not missing this morning on #RNBreakfast
Along the lines of
We had the best climate policy in the world and went to amongst the worst
Really does make you think what could have been, if only the politics was managed better